Space Economic Task Force Seeks Florida Public Comments

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June 24, 2010

Doc Mirelson 
Headquarters, Washington      

John Atwood 
Department of Commerce 

RELEASE: 10-152


WASHINGTON -- The Task Force on Space Industry Workforce and Economic 
Development has launched an interactive website to encourage public 
comment on ways to promote economic growth and sustainability in 
Florida's Space Coast region as it adapts to changes in America's 
space program. 

The site offers valuable information about the work the administration 
is doing to create jobs in the region by fostering a more supportive 
entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

"We consider the new interactive website an important tool to 
understand public concerns and challenges about the economic growth 
and well being of Florida's Space Coast," said Woodrow Whitlow, 
NASA's associate administrator for the Mission Support Directorate in 
Washington. "This tool and our other outreach efforts will help the 
task force prepare recommendations for the president that reflects 
the greatest needs and concerns of both the public and the area's 
aerospace-related industries." 

On May 3, President Obama issued a presidential memorandum 
establishing the task force. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and 
Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke are co-chairing the effort. 

"President Obama is committed to helping Florida's Space Coast adapt 
and thrive in the years ahead," said U.S. Assistant Secretary of 
Commerce for Economic Development John Fernandez. "The work of the 
task force adds to this administration's unprecedented level of 
transparency, and ensures public trust, participation and confidence. 
Our efforts depend on the participation of local stakeholders who 
will ultimately devise and implement a bottom-up, regionally driven 
strategic plan." 

The task force will review all input. Comments can be shared at: 

The task force's mission is to develop an interagency strategic action 
plan to enhance economic development along Florida's Space Coast and 
related areas. Plans will include recommendations to ensure the 
region is equipped to adapt to changes in local economies resulting 
from developments in America's space program. 

Among these recommendations will be a strategic investment plan for 
$40 million in new federal funding for the Space Coast region that 
the president included in his 2011 budget request. The task force 
will present the plan to the president by Aug. 15. 
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