NASA Administrator Bolden Named Champion Of Summer Learning

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June 22, 2010

Ann Marie Trotta 
Headquarters, Washington                               
RELEASE: 10-151


WASHINGTON -- The National Summer Learning Association has recognized 
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden as a Champion of Summer Learning. 
The award honors Bolden's dedication to keeping America's middle 
school students engaged in science, technology, engineering and 
mathematics (STEM) through a new initiative called the Summer of 

Five leaders from across the nation who have invested in summer 
learning programs and helped increase public support for them will 
receive the award. 

"Bolden's leadership on the NASA Summer of Innovation program has 
resulted in a major step forward on two critical policy challenges 
facing our nation: summer learning loss and STEM education," said Ron 
Fairchild, CEO of the association. 

Bolden officially kicked off the Summer of Innovation June 10 at 
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Using content 
from NASA's missions and research, the program will engage thousands 
of middle school students in STEM learning during the summer months 
when many students experience "summer slide," or a loss of skills 
acquired during the school year. Summer of Innovation is a 
cornerstone of the Educate to Innovate campaign President Obama 
announced last November. 

"It is such an honor for me personally -- and for NASA -- to be 
recognized for our commitment to summer learning," Bolden said. 
"However I do want to single out two individuals without whom the 
Summer of Innovation would not be in place today -- Nicole Campbell, 
a White House Fellow who raised the idea of this program when she 
joined my staff, and Dovie Lacy, the project manager, who breathed 
life into the program. Education is a passion of mine, and I have 
asked that NASA's best and brightest get involved and make this 
Summer of Innovation a special and meaningful experience for these 
middle school students. They're our future and I want to ensure it is 
a bright one." 

To learn more about the Summer of Innovation, visit: 

For information about NASA's Education Programs, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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