President Obama Proposes Additional Financing For Growth And Jobs

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June 21, 2010

Doc Mirelson 
Headquarters, Washington                                    

RELEASE: 10-150


WASHINGTON -- The president submitted to Congress on Friday, June 18, 
a fiscal year 2011 budget amendment that targets up to $100 million 
toward spurring regional economic growth and job creation in the 
aerospace industry. 

The amendment would provide up to $40 million in aid for Florida's 
Space Coast and a maximum of about $60 million for other affected 
regions. These funds specifically would be made available from the 
Constellation Program transition element of the agency's exploration 
request. The amendment does not increase the total of the 
administration's fiscal year 2011 budget request. 

The amendment was presented to support the administration's new course 
for human spaceflight, while revitalizing NASA and transitioning to 
new opportunities in the space industry and beyond. 

"We're very pleased the president has asked for additional support to 
help the communities and workers most deeply involved in our space 
program," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said. "NASA's work force 
is incredibly talented and dedicated. This $100 million investment in 
our people is essential to spurring economic growth and job 

The president established the Task Force on Space Industry Workforce 
and Economic Development on May 31. The task force is chaired by 
Bolden and Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke. It is charged with 
developing, in collaboration with local stakeholders, an interagency 
action plan to enhance economic development strategies and plans 
along the Space Coast and affected aerospace communities in other 
states. The task force team will report its recommendations to the 
president by Aug. 15. 

The administration launched a $40 million, multi-agency initiative in 
May for regional economic growth in Florida and to prepare space 
industry workers for future opportunities there. Task force 
activities will complement local and federal economic and work 
force-development efforts. 

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