NASA Briefs Media About First Arctic Oceanographic Voyage

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June 4, 2010

Steve Cole 
Headquarters, Washington      



WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EDT on 
Tuesday, June 8 to preview the agency's first dedicated oceanographic 
research voyage. During the mission, scientists will study changing 
Arctic climate and ice conditions affecting ocean ecosystems. 

The "Impacts of Climate on Ecosystems and Chemistry of the Arctic 
Pacific Environment" mission, or ICESCAPE, will investigate how 
climate change in the Arctic may be altering the ocean's ability to 
absorb carbon from the atmosphere. The voyage will collect critical 
observations to compare to NASA's satellite views of ocean biology 
and sea ice. The data will improve scientists' understanding of this 
key component of Earth's climate system. 

The five-week voyage begins June 15, departing from Dutch Harbor, 
Alaska, on the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy. The ship will sail 
through the Bering Strait into the Chukchi and Beaufort seas off the 
northern coast of Alaska. More than 40 scientists will use an array 
of instruments to sample the physical and chemical characteristics of 
the ocean and sea ice, as well as the biological characteristics of 
the microscopic plant and animal life that regulate the flow of 
carbon into and out of the sea. A second voyage is planned for 2011. 

The teleconference participants are: 
-     Paula Bontempi, ocean biology and biogeochemistry program 
manager, NASA Headquarters, Washington 
-     Kevin Arrigo, ICESCAPE chief scientist, Stanford University, 
Palo Alto, Calif. 
-     Don Perovich, ICESCAPE co-chief scientist, U. S. Army Engineer 
Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering 
Laboratory, Hanover, N.H. 

To participate in the teleconference, reporters must contact Steve 
Cole at 202-358-0918 or stephen.e.cole@xxxxxxxx for dial-in 
instructions. Audio of the teleconference will be streamed live on 
NASA's Web site at: 

For more information on ICESCAPE, visit:   


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