NASA Releases Stunning Hubble Telescope 20th Anniversary Book

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April 1, 2010

J.D. Harrington 
Headquarters, Washington      

RELEASE: 10-070


WASHINGTON -- NASA set out on a monumental journey with the launch of 
the Hubble Space Telescope in April 1990. Since then, it has captured 
the minds and imaginations of people around the world. To celebrate 
the 20th anniversary of this scientific icon, NASA has collaborated 
with leading illustrated book publisher Abrams to release a dynamic 
and unique collection of Hubble images and commentary. 

"Hubble: A Journey Through Space and Time" takes an in-depth look at 
this unique, ground-breaking telescope. It serves as an authoritative 
account of the observatory, which has revolutionized astronomy and 
photography. The book highlights Hubble's spectacular visual legacy 
to humanity in stunning images and includes what many consider 
Hubble's 20 most important scientific findings to date. The classic 
images, all selected by NASA astronomers, show stars being born and 
dying; galaxies colliding and reforming; and the young universe in 
the throes of creation. 

"This book represents a sampling of 20 years of Hubble discoveries 
that have forever changed the view of the universe and our place 
within it," said Ed Weiler, associate administrator for NASA's 
Science Mission Directorate in Washington and the book's author. "The 
new and improved Hubble will continue to have a positive impact on 
the world for decades with many of its greatest discoveries yet to 

Complementing the stunning imagery are commentaries by notable 
scientists and testimonies by the veteran astronauts who manned 
NASA's missions to repair and maintain the telescope. NASA 
Administrator Charles Bolden, who piloted the space shuttle that 
launched the telescope, contributed the foreword. The result is a 
firsthand, complete story of one of history's most important 
astronomical tools. The book is available at bookstores. 

For more information about "Hubble: A Journey Through Space and Time," 

For more information about the Hubble space telescope, visit: 


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