NASA Pioneer Aaron Cohen Dies

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Feb. 26, 2010

David E. Steitz 
Headquarters, Washington      

James Hartsfield 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 10-053


WASHINGTON -- Spaceflight pioneer Aaron Cohen, a former director of 
NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, died Thursday, Feb. 25, after 
a lengthy illness. He was 79. 

Cohen had a 33-year career with NASA. He was a steady hand at the helm 
of Johnson as NASA recovered from the shuttle Challenger tragedy and 
returned the space shuttle to flight. Cohen left the agency in 1993 
to accept an appointment as a professor at his alma mater, Texas A&M 
University. At the time, he was serving as acting deputy 
administrator at NASA Headquarters in Washington. 

"Aaron Cohen was one of my early mentors here in NASA and he was 
instrumental in the success of numerous pivotal achievements in human 
space flight." said NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden from 
Headquarters in Washington. "His engineering expertise and rigor were 
tremendous assets to our nation and NASA. Aaron provided the critical 
and calm guidance needed at the Johnson Space Center to successfully 
recover from the Challenger accident and return the space shuttle to 
flight. We will miss him as a colleague, mentor, and a friend. Our 
hearts go out to his wife, Ruth, and the rest of his family." 

Cohen joined NASA in 1962 and served in key leadership roles critical 
to the success of the flights and lunar landings of the Apollo 
Program. From 1969 to 1972, Cohen was the manager for the Apollo 
Command and Service Modules. He oversaw the design, development, 
production and test flights of the space shuttles as manager of 
NASA's Space Shuttle Orbiter Project Office from 1972 to 1982. After 
serving as Director of Engineering at Johnson for several years, he 
was named director of the center in 1986, serving in that post until 

"Aaron's expertise was critical to NASA's greatest achievements, and 
his integrity, talent and passion made it a privilege to work with 
him," said Mike Coats, Director of the Johnson Space Center. "He will 
be missed and long remembered by his many friends here at JSC." 

Cohen's many honors include the highest award given for federal 
executives, the Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive, with 
which he was received in 1982 and 1988. He was presented NASA's 
highest honor, the Distinguished Service Medal, three times. Cohen 
was a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of 
the American Astronautical Society and the American Institute of 
Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was a distinguished alumnus of Texas 
A&M, from which he earned a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering in 
1952. He earned a master's in Applied Mathematics from Stevens 
Institute of Technology in 1958. He also was a recipient of honorary 
doctorates from Stevens Institute and from the University of 
Houston-Clear Lake. 

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