NASA Hosts RockOn! 2010 University Rocket Science Workshop in June

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Feb. 24, 2010

Paul Foerman 
Stennis Space Center, Miss. 
RELEASE: 10-051


BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. -- NASA's Stennis Space Center in Stennis, Miss., 
unveiled an initiative today to chart the future of the nation's 
premier rocket engine testing facility. 

Stennis Director Gene Goldman announced plans for the center to test 
Aerojet AJ26 rocket engines for Orbital Sciences Corp. as part of a 
NASA partnership with the companies. 

"We're excited about this program and the opportunity to collaborate 
with two of the world's leading space technology companies," Goldman 
said. "This also helps pave the way to the future for Stennis. 
Testing the AJ26 engine not only supplies a service for the Taurus II 
program, it also provides Stennis a unique opportunity will help 
sustain the skills and capabilities we need for future test 

The AJ26 testing is part of NASA's new direction for space 
exploration. Under NASA's proposed fiscal year 2011 budget, NASA will 
work closer with commercial interests to develop space travel 

The Aerojet AJ26 is a prime example of that new direction and of the 
immediate future of Stennis, which completed engine testing for 
remaining space shuttle flights last July. The AJ26 is the first new 
engine in years to be tested at Stennis and representative of the 
commercial work the facility now is pursuing. The center also 
provides RS-68 rocket engine testing for Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. 

Stennis operators have been modifying their E-1 Test Stand since last 
April in order to test the AJ26 engines. Work has included 
construction of a 27-foot-deep flame deflector trench, which was 
toured by media during the Feb. 24 press conference. 

Orbital is working in partnership with NASA under the agency's 
Commercial Orbital Transportations Services (COTS) joint research and 
development project. Orbital is under contract with NASA through the 
Commercial Resupply Services program to provide eight cargo missions 
to the ISS through 2015. The AJ26 Aerojet engines will power 
Orbital's Taurus II space launch vehicle for the supply missions. 

"Our team is very excited to begin the ground testing of the AJ26 
engine here at Stennis, one of the great rocket engine testing 
facilities in the world," Orbital President and Chief Operating 
Officer J.R. Thompson added. "We have worked with the NASA's Stennis 
staff and our Aerojet counterparts to develop and install facility 
upgrades to accommodate our particular needs, and we are pleased with 
the results. As currently envisioned, each AJ26 engine that will be 
used aboard our Taurus II rocket will come through the Stennis 
facility for prelaunch testing, prior to being integrated with the 

For information about Stennis, visit: 


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