Undergraduate Students Fly High for Weightless Science

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Dec. 22, 2009

Stephanie Schierholz 
Headquarters, Washington 

Jenna Maddix 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 09-295


HOUSTON -- NASA has selected 28 undergraduate student teams to test 
their science experiments in simulated weightlessness. The teams were 
selected to fly in the summer of 2010 with NASA's Reduced Gravity 
Student Flight Opportunities and Systems Engineering Educational 
Discovery (SEED) programs. 

Selected teams will test and evaluate their experiments aboard an 
aircraft modified to simulate a reduced-gravity environment. The 
aircraft will fly approximately 30 roller-coaster-like climbs and 
dips during experiment flights to produce periods of weightlessness 
and hyper-gravity ranging from 0 g to 2 g. 

"Today's students will be the ones going to the moon and beyond to 
live, explore and work," said Douglas Goforth, the Reduced Gravity 
Education Flight Program manager at NASA's Johnson Space Center in 
Houston."This project gives them a head start in preparing for those 
future ventures by allowing them to conduct hands-on research and 
engineering today in a unique reduced-gravity laboratory." 

The Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program provides a 
rare academic experience for undergraduate students to propose, 
design, fabricate, fly and evaluate a reduced-gravity experiment. The 
overall experience includes scientific research, hands-on 
experimental design, test operations and outreach activities. 

Teams selected to participate in the Reduced Gravity Student Flight 
Opportunities Program are from Utah State University, San Jacinto 
College North, the College of New Jersey, State University of New 
York at Buffalo, West Virginia University, Purdue University, Yale 
University, Austin Community College, the University of Washington, 
the University of Wisconsin at Madison, two teams from Embry-Riddle 
Aeronautical University, and two teams from the University of 
Michigan. Teams also may invite a full-time, accredited journalist to 
fly with them and document the team's experiment and experiences. 

Teams selected to participate in the SEED program will work with NASA 
scientists, engineers and researchers on systems engineering projects 
that use a reduced gravity environment to test spaceflight hardware, 
spacecraft components and spaceflight procedures. Each team is 
assigned a NASA principal investigator to help prepare their 
experiment for flight. The SEED teams also will participate in at 
least two videoconferences through NASA's Digital Learning Network to 
work with other engineering and agency organizations. 

The SEED teams for 2010 are from Washington University, Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology, the University of Wisconsin, Auburn 
University, the Ohio State University, the University of Nebraska, 
the University of Toledo, Carthage College, Yale University, the 
University of Kentucky, the University of Colorado, and Boise State 
University, from which two teams were selected. 

Under these programs, NASA continues its investment in the nation's 
education programs. It is directly tied the agency's education goal 
of strengthening NASA and the nation's future workforce. Through this 
and other college and university programs, NASA will identify and 
develop the critical skills and capabilities needed to carry out its 
space exploration mission. 

The flights are provided in cooperation with the Reduced Gravity 
Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center. For more information about the 
Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program or to view abstracts of the 
selected team's experiments visit: 


For more information about SEED, visit: 


For more information about NASA's education programs, visit: 



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