NASA Names New Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration

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Dec. 18, 2009

Grey Hautaluoma/Ashley Edwards 
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: M09-293


WASHINGTON -- Laurie Leshin has been named the new deputy associate 
administrator of the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA 
Headquarters, effective in January. 

Leshin previously served as the deputy center director for science and 
technology at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. 
She has led the formulation of strategy and the start of new missions 
since 2008 as Goddard's senior scientist, while providing extensive 
scientific guidance to lunar architecture and other human spaceflight 
planning activities. 

"I am delighted that Laurie will be joining us as my deputy, and I 
look forward to working closely with her," said Doug Cooke, associate 
administrator for NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate. 
"She has worked with Exploration in the past and has a great track 
record. I think her experience and skills will be invaluable as we 
move forward." 

Leshin joined NASA in August 2005 as the director of Goddard's 
Sciences and Exploration Directorate. She came to the agency from 
Arizona State University, where she was The Dee and John Whiteman 
Dean Distinguished Professor of Geological Sciences and director of 
the Center for Meteorite Studies. 

Through her research, Leshin sought to decipher the record of water in 
objects in our solar system. A primary part of the research involved 
using meteorites from Mars to assess the history of water and the 
potential for life on the Red Planet. She has been on science teams 
for several NASA missions, including the Mars Polar Lander and the 
upcoming Mars Science Laboratory. 

Earlier this year, Leshin also led the NASA Innovation and Technology 
Study Group, a team of 15 that made recommendations on how NASA could 
increase focus on innovative activities and technologies needed to 
advance the agency's mission. She earned a bachelor of science degree 
in chemistry at Arizona State University in 1987 and a doctorate in 
geochemistry from the California Institute of Technology in 1994. 

Prior to coming to NASA, Leshin received the agency's Distinguished 
Public Service Medal, the highest award for non-NASA personnel. The 
International Astronomical Union has recognized her contributions to 
planetary science with the naming of asteroid 4922 Leshin. 


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