NASA Announces Advisory Council Chairs and Committee Structure

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Nov. 2, 2009

Michael Braukus 
Headquarters, Washington      

RELEASE: 09-256


WASHINGTON -- NASA Administrator Charles Bolden held his first meeting 
with the restructured NASA Advisory Council this week at the agency's 
Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif. Bolden has added four 
new committees to the council in key areas of importance to the 
agency's future: Commercial Space, Education and Public Outreach, 
Information Technology Infrastructure, and Technology Innovation. 

"I consider the NASA Advisory Council to be an extremely important 
external advisory group, one that is uniquely capable to advise me 
and the entire NASA senior leadership team on some of the important 
decisions our agency will face in the coming months and years," 
Bolden said. "I am confident that this new structure will serve as an 
effective forum to stimulate meaningful advice to me and the rest of 
NASA's leadership." 

The council's members provide advice and make recommendations to the 
NASA administrator about agency programs, policies, plans, financial 
controls and other matters pertinent to NASA's responsibilities. The 
chairs for the council and its committees are: 

NASA Advisory Council: Kenneth M. Ford 
Aeronautics Committee: Marion Blakey 
Audit, Finance and Analysis Committee: Robert M. Hanisee 
Commercial Space Committee: Brett Alexander 
Education and Public Outreach: Miles O'Brien 
Exploration Committee: retired Air Force Gen. Lester L. Lyles 
Science Committee: Wesley T. Huntress, Jr. 
Space Operations Committee: former astronaut and retired Air Force 
Col. Eileen M. Collins 
Technology and Innovation Committee: Esther Dyson 

An appointment is pending for the Information Technology and 
Infrastructure Committee. 

Raymond S. Colladay represents the National Academies' Aeronautics and 
Space Engineering Board, and Charles F. Kennel represents the 
National Academies' Space Studies Board as ex officio members. 

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