NASA Announces Commercial RLV Technology Roadmap Project

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Oct. 13, 2009

Sonja Alexander 
Headquarters, Washington      
RELEASE: 09-238


WASHINGTON -- NASA is partnering with the U.S. Air Force Research 
Laboratory to develop a technology roadmap for the commercial 
reusable launch vehicle, or RLV, industry. 

"NASA is committed to stimulating the emerging commercial reusable 
launch vehicle industry," said Lori Garver, deputy administrator at 
NASA Headquarters in Washington. "There is a natural evolutionary 
path from today's emerging commercial suborbital RLV industry to 
growing and developing the capability to provide low-cost, frequent 
and reliable access to low Earth orbit. One part of our plan is to 
partner with other federal agencies to develop a consensus roadmap of 
the commercial RLV industry's long-range technology needs." 

The study will focus on identifying technologies and assessing their 
potential use to accelerate the development of commercial reusable 
launch vehicles that have improved reliability, availability, launch 
turn-time, robustness and significantly lower costs than current 
launch systems. The study results will provide roadmaps with 
recommended government technology tasks and milestones for different 
vehicle categories. 

"Low-cost and reliable access to space will deliver significant 
benefits to all NASA's existing missions, from science to human 
exploration to aeronautics, as well as to our nation's security and 
to national economic growth," said Doug Comstock, director of NASA's 
Innovative Partnerships Program at NASA Headquarters. "Part of our 
plan is to apply lessons learned from the recent past and also the 
great successes of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 
stimulating the American commercial airplane industry nearly 100 
years ago." 

This NASA and Air Force study will begin at the Commercial and 
Government Responsive Access to Space Technology Exchange 2009, held 
in Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 26-29. NASA and the Air Force Research Lab, 
with participation from the Federal Aviation Administration's Office 
of Commercial Space Transportation, will meet with representatives 
from the commercial RLV industry to explore and understand their 
long-range growth plans and the technology they could use to 
implement those plans successfully. 

NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program is leading the study. For more 
information about the Innovative Partnerships Program, visit: 

For more information about the Commercial RLV Technology Roadmap 
study, visit: 

For more information about the Commercial and Government Responsive 
Access to Space Technology Exchange 2009, visit: 


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