Soyuz Landing Caps Historic Space Station Increment

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Oct. 11, 2009

Michael Curie 
Headquarters, Washington                               

Kelly Humphries 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 09-237


WASHINGTON -- International Space Station Expedition 20 Commander 
Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer Michael Barratt landed their 
Soyuz TMA-14 spacecraft on the steppes of Kazakhstan Sunday, wrapping 
up a six-month stay. Joining them was spaceflight participant Guy 
Laliberte, who spent 11 days in space. 

Padalka, the Soyuz commander, guided the spacecraft to a 
parachute-assisted landing at 12:32 a.m. EDT at a site northeast of 
the town of Arkalyk. 

Russian recovery teams were on hand within minutes of landing to help 
the crew exit from the Soyuz vehicle and reacclimate to gravity. The 
crew members will return to the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in 
Star City, outside of Moscow, for reunions with their families. 

Padalka and Barratt spent 199 days in space and 197 days on the 
station after their March 26 launch. Laliberte launched with the 
Expedition 21 crew on a Soyuz vehicle Sept. 30 and returned after 
nine days on the station. 

Padalka and Barratt presided over the inauguration of a six-person 
crew and two space shuttle assembly and resupply missions to the 
station. They also were station crew members during the delivery of 
tons of cargo and new science facilities for expanded research, and 
the arrival of the first Japanese H-II Transfer cargo vehicle. 

The station now is occupied by Expedition 21 Commander Frank De Winne 
of the European Space Agency and Flight Engineers Roman Romanenko and 
Max Suraev of Russia, Bob Thirsk of the Canadian Space Agency and 
Nicole Stott and Jeff Williams of NASA. 

For information about the space station, visit: 


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