NASA Flies to Antarctica for Largest Airborne Polar Ice Survey

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Oct. 8, 2009

Steve Cole 
Headquarters, Washington 

Beth Hagenauer 
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif. 

RELEASE: 09-234


WASHINGTON -- NASA begins a series of flights Oct. 15 to study changes 
to Antarctica's sea ice, glaciers and ice sheets. The flights are 
part of Operation Ice Bridge, a six-year campaign that is the largest 
airborne survey ever made of ice at Earth's polar regions. 

Researchers will work from NASA's DC-8, an airborne laboratory 
equipped with laser mapping instruments, ice-penetrating radar and 
gravity instruments. Data collected from the mission will help 
scientists better predict how changes to the massive Antarctic ice 
sheet will contribute to future sea level rise around the world. 

The plane, crew and scientists depart Oct. 12 from NASA's Dryden 
Aircraft Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif., and fly to Punta 
Arenas, Chile, where they will be based through mid-November. Seelye 
Martin of the University of Washington in Seattle leads the mission, 
with nearly 50 scientists and support personnel involved. The team is 
planning 17 flights over some of the fastest-changing areas in 
western Antarctica and its ice-covered coastal waters. 

Data collected during the campaign also will help bridge the data gap 
between NASA's Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite, known as 
ICESat, which has been in orbit since 2003, and NASA's ICESat-II, 
scheduled to launch no earlier than 2014. ICESat is nearing the end 
of its operational lifetime, making the Ice Bridge flights critical 
for ensuring a continuous record of observations. 

"A remarkable change is happening on Earth, truly one of the biggest 
changes in environmental conditions since the end of the ice age," 
said Tom Wagner, cryosphere program manager at NASA Headquarters in 
Washington. "It's not an easy thing to observe, let alone predict 
what might happen next. Studies like Ice Bridge are key." 

Because airborne observations lack the continent-wide coverage a 
satellite provides, mission planners have selected key targets to 
study that are most prone to change. Sea ice measurements will be 
collected from the Amundsen Sea, where local warming suggests the ice 
may be thinning. Ice sheet and glacier studies will be flown over the 
Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica, including Pine Island 
Glacier, an area scientists believe could undergo rapid changes. 

The payload on the DC-8 includes the Airborne Topographic Mapper, a 
laser altimeter developed at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in 
Virginia. It produces elevation maps of the ice surface and 
previously was flown over the Antarctic in 2002, 2004, and 2008 
aboard a Chilean Navy P3 aircraft. By retracing some of those 
flights, as well as the tracks covered by ICESat, researchers can 
compare the data sets and determine changes in ice elevation. 

Other instruments flying include the Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth 
Sounder from the University of Kansas, which measures ice sheet 
thickness and the varied terrain below the ice. The Laser Vegetation 
Imaging Sensor, developed at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in 
Greenbelt, Md., maps large areas of sea ice and glacier zones. A 
gravimeter from Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth 
Observatory in Palisades, N.Y., will give scientists their first 
opportunity to measure the shape of the ocean cavity beneath floating 
ice shelves in critical spots of Antarctica. A University of Kansas 
snow radar will measure the thickness of snow on top of sea ice and 
NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va.; NASA's Ames Research 
Center in Moffett Field, Calif.; and the University of North Dakota 
in Grand Forks also are providing support for the campaign. 

NASA also is funding complementary airborne surveys as part of 
Operation Ice Bridge, including surveys of Alaskan glaciers by 
scientists from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks and an 
extensive survey of remote regions of East Antarctica by scientists 
from the University of Texas in Austin, the University of Edinburgh 
and the Australian Antarctic Division. 

The Antarctic flights follow the first Operation Ice Bridge airborne 
campaign earlier this year over Greenland and the Arctic Ocean. The 
mission will map key areas in each polar region once a year. Arctic 
flights resume in spring 2010. 

For more information about Operation Ice Bridge, visit: 

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