NASA Lunar Satellite Begins Detailed Mapping of Moon's South Pole

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Sept. 17, 2009

Grey Hautaluoma 
Headquarters, Washington 

Nancy Neal Jones/Bill Steigerwald 
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. 
nancy.n.jones@xxxxxxxx, william.a.steigerwald@xxxxxxxx 

RELEASE: 09-215


GREENBELT, Md. -- NASA reported Thursday that its Lunar Reconnaissance 
Orbiter, or LRO, has successfully completed its testing and 
calibration phase and entered its mapping orbit of the moon. The 
spacecraft already has made significant progress toward creating the 
most detailed atlas of the moon's south pole to date. Scientists 
released preliminary images and data from LRO's seven instruments. 

"The LRO mission already has begun to give us new data that will lead 
to a vastly improved atlas of the lunar south pole and advance our 
capability for human exploration and scientific benefit," said 
Richard Vondrak, LRO project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight 
Center in Greenbelt, Md. 

LRO is scheduled for a one-year exploration mission in a polar orbit 
of about 31 miles above the lunar surface, the closest any spacecraft 
has orbited the moon. During the next year, LRO will produce a 
complete map of the lunar surface in unprecedented detail, search for 
resources and safe landing sites for human explorers, and measure 
lunar temperatures and radiation levels. 

"The LRO instruments, spacecraft, and ground systems continue to 
operate essentially flawlessly," said Craig Tooley, LRO project 
manager at Goddard "The team completed the planned commissioning and 
calibration activities on time and also got a significant head start 
collecting data even before we moved to the mission's mapping orbit." 

The south pole of the moon is of great interest to explorers because 
potential resources such as water ice or hydrogen may exist there. 
Permanently shadowed polar craters that are bitterly cold at their 
bottoms may hold deposits of water ice or hydrogen from comet impacts 
or the solar wind. The deposits may have accumulated in these 
"cold-trap" regions over billions of years. If enough of these 
resources exist to make mining practical, future long-term human 
missions to the moon potentially could save the considerable expense 
of hauling water from Earth. 

First results from LRO's Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector, or LEND, 
indicate that permanently shadowed and nearby regions may harbor 
water and hydrogen. Additional observations will be needed to confirm 
this. LEND relies on a decrease in neutron radiation from the lunar 
surface to indicate the presence of water or hydrogen. 

"If these deposits are present, an analysis of them will help us 
understand the interaction of the moon with the rest of the solar 
system," Vondrak said. 

Data from LRO's Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or LOLA, however, 
indicates that exploring these areas will be challenging because the 
terrain is very rough. The roughness is probably a result of the lack 
of atmosphere and absence of erosion from wind or water, according to 
David Smith, LOLA principal investigator at Goddard. 

LRO's other instruments also are providing data to help map the moon's 
terrain and resources. According to the first measurements from the 
Diviner instrument, large areas in the permanently shadowed craters 
are about minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit (33 Kelvin), more than cold 
enough to store water ice or hydrogen for billions of years. 

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera is providing high-resolution 
images of permanently shadowed regions while lighting conditions 
change as the moon's south pole enters lunar summer. 

LRO's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project, or LAMP, also is preparing to 
search for surface ice and frost in the polar regions. The instrument 
provides images of permanently shadowed regions illuminated only by 
starlight and the glow of interplanetary hydrogen emission. LAMP has 
provided information to confirm the instrument is working well on 
both the lunar night and day sides. 

The Mini RF Technology Demonstration on LRO has confirmed 
communications capability and produced detailed radar images of 
potential targets for LRO's companion mission, the Lunar Crater 
Observation and Sensing Satellite, which will impact the moon's south 
pole on Oct. 9. 

Meanwhile, LRO's Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation 
instrument is exploring the lunar radiation environment and its 
potential effects on humans during record high, "worst-case" cosmic 
ray intensities accompanying the extreme solar minimum conditions of 
this solar cycle. 

Goddard built and manages LRO, a NASA mission with international 
participation from the Institute for Space Research in Moscow. Russia 
provides the neutron detector aboard the spacecraft. 

For more information about LRO and to view the new images, visit: 


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