Students To Participate In NASA's Lunar Field Test Activities

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Sept. 11, 2009

Ashley Edwards/Stephanie Schierholz 
Headquarters, Washington                               
ashley.edwards-1@xxxxxxxx, stephanie.schierholz@xxxxxxxx 

RELEASE: 09-209


WASHINGTON -- To prepare for human exploration of the moon and other 
destinations in our solar system, NASA is conducting a field test of 
rovers and equipment at an Earthly site in the Arizona desert. 
Hundreds of students are invited to experience it. NASA's annual 
Desert RATS -- or Research and Technology Studies -- field test is 
underway. The agency has planned a variety of activities to engage 
students in the practical application of the science, technology, 
math and engineering skills critical to space exploration. 

Dozens of students from Flagstaff and surrounding areas have been 
invited to visit the test site at Black Point Lava Flow on Sept. 16. 
They will be introduced to the work NASA engineers and researchers 
conducted during the field test. In addition, college teams that 
ranked highest in NASA's 2009 Moon Work Engineering Contest will 
present their projects to members of the NASA field test team. The 
winning teams are from the University of Maryland, College Park; the 
University of Akron, Ohio; and Texas A&M University, College Station. 

As part of the day's activities, hundreds of elementary and middle 
school students participating in "Education Alley" at the American 
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Space 2009 Conference in 
Pasadena, Calif., will observe field test activities and chat live 
with the NASA engineers and researchers via satellite at 1 p.m. EDT. 
Heather Paul and Kimberly Land of NASA's Exploration Technology 
Development Program will host the event, which will include NASA 
experts explaining how the agency plans to use similar rovers on the 
moon; video clips of field test demonstrations; and questions from 
students. Students everywhere can view the event and learn more about 
the Desert RATS activities at: 

The 2009 Desert RATS tests focus on a simulated 14-day mission. Two 
crew members -- an astronaut and a geologist -- will live for 14 days 
inside NASA's prototype Lunar Electric Rover, searching the area for 
features of geologic interest and conducting simulated moonwalks to 
collect samples. NASA's K10 scout robot examined the location in 
August to identify areas of interest. NASA's heavy-lift rover 
Tri-ATHLETE -- or All-Terrain Hex-Limbed Extra-Terrestrial Explorer 
-- will carry a habitat mockup to which the rover will dock. 

The Desert RATS tests have taken place for more than a decade, as 
engineers from NASA centers have worked together with representatives 
from both industry and academia to determine what will be needed when 
NASA makes trips to other worlds. Future Desert RATS analog test 
activities could involve international partners in the quest toward 
human planetary exploration. This year's work will build on the 
investigations of previous years, increasing the scope and length of 
the tests. 

NASA centers involved are Johnson Space Center in Houston; Langley 
Research Center, in Hampton, Va.; Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 
Pasadena, Calif.; Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.; 
Kennedy Space Center in Florida.; Goddard Space Flight Center in 
Greenbelt, Md.; Glenn Research Center in Cleveland; Marshall Space 
Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.; and NASA Headquarters in 

Desert RATS participants from outside of NASA include the Smithsonian 
Institution in Washington; the United States Geological Survey in 
Flagstaff, Ariz.; Arizona State University in Tempe; University of 
Texas at El Paso; University of Colorado at Denver; Brown University 
in Providence, R.I.; and the Mars Institute at Moffett Field, Calif. 

For more information about NASA's "Moon Work" contest, visit: 

For information about NASA's education programs, visit: 


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