July 14, 2009 Katherine Trinidad Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1100 katherine.trinidad@xxxxxxxx James Hartsfield Johnson Space Center, Houston 281-483-5111 james.a.hartsfield@xxxxxxxx MEDIA ADVISORY: M09-130 NASA PLAYS AUDIO "TIME CAPSULE" OF HISTORIC APOLLO 11 MISSION HOUSTON -- NASA will provide a unique audio "time capsule" in observance of the 40th anniversary of the first human landing on the moon. Audio from the entire Apollo 11 mission will be replayed and streamed on the Internet at exactly the same time and date it was broadcast in 1969. The audio retrospective will begin at 6:32 a.m. CDT Thursday, July 16, two hours before the spacecraft launched. The audio will continue through splashdown of the mission at 11:51 a.m. CDT Friday, July 24, and recovery of the crew shortly afterward. The Web stream will feature the communications between the astronauts and ground teams, and commentary from Mission Control at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. To listen to the replay, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/apollo11_radio For historical information about Apollo 11, visit: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/history/apollo/apollo11 NASA's Apollo 40th anniversary Web site provides easy access to various agency resources and multimedia about the program and the history of human spaceflight, including a gallery of Apollo multimedia features. The site is online at: http://www.nasa.gov/apollo40th -end- To subscribe to the list, send a message to: hqnews-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To remove your address from the list, send a message to: hqnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx