NASA Names College Winners In Supersonic Design Contest

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July 10, 2009

Beth Dickey 
Headquarters, Washington 

Kathy Barnstorff 
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. 

RELEASE: 09-159


WASHINGTON -- Eight college students have summer jobs at NASA this 
year, thanks to their participation in a contest to design a 
supersonic airliner. 

College students from the U.S., Japan and India researched technology 
and created concepts for a supersonic passenger jet as part of a 
competition sponsored by the Fundamental Aeronautics Program in 
NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. 

The participants were challenged to design a small supersonic airliner 
and submit a research paper limited to 25 pages. Designs had to be 
efficient, environmentally friendly, low sonic boom commercial 
aircraft that could be ready for initial service by 2020. 

A team of undergraduates from the University of Virginia in 
Charlottesville, Va., and a team of graduate students from the 
Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta tied for first place in 
the U.S. division. A University of Tokyo undergraduate team won top 
honors in the non-U.S. category. 

Six participants receiving internships were selected from the 
award-winning teams. All eight recipients are engineering or 
management students and were selected based on their resumes, grade 
point averages and application letters. The students are serving 
their internships at three NASA centers: Langley Research Center in 
Hampton, Va.; Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif.; and the 
Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. 

"We use these competitions to generate excitement for aeronautics and 
the engineering behind aviation," said Peter Coen, principal 
investigator of the Supersonics Project at Langley. "I was pleased by 
the number and diversity of the entries we received. And I was 
impressed by the quality and innovative thinking demonstrated in the 

This year's competition also fostered an unusual collaboration across 
the country and two continents. Four students, one from Florida, 
another from California and two from Australia, worked together over 
the Internet to design an airliner. Three of the four had met last 
year as a result of the contest. The team tied for second place with 
an undergraduate team from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. 

An undergraduate team from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of 
Technology in Gujarat, India won second place in the international 

A group of NASA engineers reviewed the entries. The judges based their 
scores on how well students addressed all aspects of the problem they 
chose to discuss. The judges used the following criteria: innovation 
and creativity; discussion of feasibility; a brief review of 
pertinent literature; and a baseline comparison with the relevant 
current technology, system or design. 

Winning participants received prizes, including up to $5,000, and will 
be invited to a student forum sponsored by NASA. Students were also 
eligible for 24 summer internships. Only U.S. citizens may be awarded 
cash prizes or NASA-funded internships. Non-U.S. teams will receive 
an engraved trophy. All participants also will receive a NASA 

For a list of winners of the contest and information about the 
interns, visit: 

For more information about other NASA projects, visit: 


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