NASA Shares Collier Trophy Award for Aviation Safety Technologies

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May 21, 2009

Beth Dickey 
Headquarters, Washington 

Kathy Barnstorff 
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. 

RELEASE: 09-112


WASHINGTON -- For the second year in a row, NASA is part of a team 
chosen to receive one of the most prestigious awards in aviation. 

On May 28, the National Aeronautics Association will present the 2008 
Robert J. Collier Trophy to the Commercial Aviation Safety Team, or 
CAST. This unique industry and government partnership was established 
in 1997 with the goal of reducing the U.S. commercial aviation fatal 
accident rate by 80 percent in 10 years. 

CAST represents thousands of people in public agencies and private 
industry "who have worked diligently since 1997 to produce the safest 
commercial aviation system in the world," according to the Collier 
Trophy award nomination the Air Transport Association submitted. 

The nomination notes the partnership's original goal was difficult to 
achieve, but that "the year 2008 topped the previous year as the 
safest year in commercial aviation history, and the CAST team is 
proud to report the risk in fatal commercial accidents has reduced by 
83 percent." 

NASA's Aviation Safety Program has been a part of CAST since the team 
was established. Executive Committee membership includes the director 
of the Aviation Safety Program in NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission 
Directorate in Washington. 

"I'm very pleased that the Commercial Aviation Safety Team has been 
selected for this year's Collier Trophy," said NASA's current 
Aviation Safety Program Director Amy Pritchett. "NASA's Aviation 
Safety Program has been instrumental in CAST during its lifetime." 

Researchers at four NASA field installations have worked as part of 
the Aviation Safety Program to develop advanced, affordable 
technologies to make flying safer. The researchers work at NASA's 
Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., NASA's Ames Research Center 
at Moffett Field, Calif., NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center in 
Edwards, Calif., and NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. 

The National Aeronautics Association awarded the 2007 trophy to a team 
that included NASA's Langley and Ames research centers for their work 
on Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, or ADS-B, a system 
that allows aircraft to be tracked by satellite rather than radar. 

For information about NASA's aeronautics research programs, visit: 

For information about other NASA programs, visit: 


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