Space Station Crew Lands in Soyuz after Successful Mission

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April 8, 2009

Katherine Trinidad 
Headquarters, Washington 

Kelly Humphries 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 09-081


HOUSTON -- Two members of the 18th crew to live and work aboard the 
International Space Station and a spaceflight participant returned to 
Earth at 2:16 a.m. CDT Wednesday. NASA astronaut Mike Fincke, Russian 
cosmonaut Yury Lonchakov and spaceflight participant Charles Simonyi 
safely landed their Soyuz spacecraft in the steppes of southern 

The Expedition 18 crew members undocked their Soyuz from the station 
at 10:55 p.m. April 7. The deorbit burn to slow the Soyuz and begin 
its descent toward Earth began at 1:24 a.m. April 8. The landing was 
moved to a more southerly landing site because of poor landing 
conditions at the original site. 

Fincke commanded the Expedition 18 mission, which saw the station go 
to full power and begin water supply recycling. He spent 178 days in 
orbit on this flight and has accumulated a full year in space during 
his career. Launching to the station on Oct. 12, 2008, he also became 
the first American to fly to and from the space station twice aboard 
a Russian Soyuz. Fincke served almost 188 days as a flight engineer 
on the Expedition 9 crew, which launched April 18, 2004, and returned 
to Earth on Oct. 23, 2004. 

Lonchakov completed his first long-duration spaceflight. He spent 
nearly 12 days aboard the space shuttle Endeavour in 2001. He spent 
nearly 11 days in space in 2002, launching aboard one Soyuz craft and 
landing in another while carrying different crews to the space 
station and back. With this mission, he has accumulated a total of 
more than 200 days in space. 

Simonyi, an American, spent 11 days on the station under a commercial 
agreement with the Russian Federal Space Agency. He is the only 
spaceflight participant to visit the station twice. 

The Expedition 18 crew worked with a variety of experiments, including 
human life sciences, physical sciences and Earth observation. Many of 
the experiments are designed to gather information about the effects 
of long-duration spaceflight on the human body, which will help with 
planning future missions to the moon and beyond. Other experiments 
involved practical solutions to extended mission challenges such as 
repairing electrical components and fighting fire in microgravity. 

Before undocking, Fincke and Lonchakov bid farewell to the new station 
crew, Expedition 19 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer 
Mike Barratt, who launched to the station on a Soyuz March 26. 
Remaining on the station with Padalka and Barratt as an Expedition 19 
crew member is Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi 
Wakata. Wakata launched to the orbiting laboratory on space shuttle 
Discovery's STS-119 mission on March 15. 

The Expedition 19 crew will be joined in orbit by Russian cosmonaut 
Roman Romanenko, European Space Agency astronaut Frank De Winne and 
Canadian Space Agency astronaut Robert Thirsk in May, inaugurating 
the station's first six-person crew. It also will be the first time 
that crew members from all five International Space Station partners 
will be living aboard at the same time. 

For information about the space station, visit: 


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