NASA's Shuttle Discovery Glides Home After Successful Mission

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March 28, 2009

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington

Candrea Thomas
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

RELEASE: 09-072


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Space shuttle Discovery and its crew landed at 
3:14 p.m. EDT Saturday at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, 
completing a 13-day journey of more than 5.3 million miles.

The STS-119 flight delivered the space station's fourth and final set 
of solar array wings, completing the station's truss, or backbone. 
The additional electricity provided by the arrays will fully power 
science experiments and help support station operations. 

During three spacewalks, astronauts installed the S6 truss segment to 
the starboard, or right, side of the station and accomplished 
important tasks to prepare the station for future upgrades and 
additions later this year.

The flight also replaced a failed unit for a system that converts 
urine to potable water. Samples from the station's Water Recovery 
System will be analyzed. It's expected to take about a month for the 
analysis to be completed and the water to be cleared for the station 
crew to drink. 

STS-119 spacewalkers were unable to deploy a jammed external cargo 
carrier on the Port 3 truss segment. It was tied safely in place. 
Because the issue is not yet understood, Mission Control cancelled 
the installation of a similar payload attachment system on the 
starboard side. Engineers are evaluating the problem and will address 
it during a future spacewalk. 

On March 24, the 10 shuttle and station crew members gathered in the 
station's Harmony module and spoke to President Barack Obama, members 
of Congress and school children from the Washington, D.C. area. From 
the White House's Roosevelt Room, the president and his guests 
congratulated the crew on the mission and asked about a range of 
topics including sleeping in weightlessness to the station's 
travelling speed. 

Lee Archambault commanded the flight and was joined by Pilot Tony 
Antonelli and Mission Specialists Joseph Acaba, Steve Swanson, 
Richard Arnold, John Phillips and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 
astronaut Koichi Wakata. Wakata remained aboard the station, 
replacing Flight Engineer Sandra Magnus, who returned to Earth on 
Discovery after more than four months on the station. 

Acaba and Arnold are former science teachers who are now fully-trained 
NASA astronauts. They made their first journey into orbit and 
conducted critical spacewalking tasks on this flight. STS-119 was the 
125th space shuttle mission, the 36th flight for Discovery and the 
28th shuttle visit to the station. 

With Discovery and its crew safely home, the stage is set for the 
launch of STS-125, targeted for May 12. Atlantis' mission will return 
the space shuttle to NASA's Hubble Space Telescope for one last visit 
before the shuttle fleet retires in 2010. Over 11 days and five 
spacewalks, Atlantis' crew will upgrade the telescope, preparing it 
for at least another five years of research.

For information about the space station, visit: 

For more about the STS-119 mission and the upcoming STS-125 flight, 


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