Test in Development of NASA's New Crew Rocket is Successful

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Jan. 30, 2009

Grey Hautaluoma/Ashley Edwards 
Headquarters, Washington 

Daniel Kanigan 
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 

Trina Patterson 
ATK, Promontory, Utah 

RELEASE: 09-022


PROMONTORY, Utah --The development of NASA's next-generation crew 
launch vehicle, the Ares I rocket, took another step forward Thursday 
as Alliant Techsystems, or ATK, successfully tested a critical piece. 
ATK conducted a full-scale separation test of the forward skirt 
extension for the Ares I-X flight test at its facility in Promontory, 

The Ares I-X test launch is scheduled to lift off from NASA's Kennedy 
Space Center in Florida during 2009. The rocket will climb about 25 
miles in altitude during a two-minute powered flight. The launch will 
culminate with a test of the separation of the first stage from the 
rocket and deployment of the accompanying parachute system that will 
return the first stage to Earth for data and hardware recovery. 

Yesterday's test simulated the separation event that will take place 
following the first stage flight of Ares I-X. During the Ares I-X 
flight, the booster will separate at the frustum, a cone-shaped piece 
that attaches the first stage to the larger diameter upper stage. 

"The Ares I-X team is pleased with the completion of this key test 
that will provide important data leading up to the launch of the Ares 
I-X flight," said Steve Davis, deputy mission manager for the Ares 
I-X test flight at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, 

At an altitude of about 15,000 feet, the nose cone will be jettisoned, 
deploying the pilot parachute. The pilot chute will, in turn, deploy 
the drogue parachute, which will re-orient the booster vertically and 
slow it to acceptable conditions for main parachute deployment. At 
about 4,000 feet, the separation at the base of the forward skirt 
extension occurs, pulling out the three main chutes packed inside. 

Test objectives included demonstrating that the linear shaped charge 
used to separate the forward skirt extension severed cleanly and 
measuring the shock created by that charge. NASA will use the data 
analyze the system and prepare for the Ares I-X flight test and the 
development of the Ares I crew launch vehicle. 

The forward skirt extension is built to withstand the loads of the 
first stage and support the weight of the upper stage. The component 
is built as one solid piece of aluminum forged into a 6-foot-long by 
12-foot-diameter cylinder with a unique internal support structure 
that houses three newly-designed main parachutes. Its 
state-of-the-art design will withstand the force imparted at main 
chute deployment. 

"This was an important milestone for the program, as it validates key 
parameters to support the upcoming Ares I-X flight test," said Mike 
Kahn, executive vice president of ATK Space Systems. "The program is 
one step closer to the flight test of Ares I-X." 

To view pictures of the separation test, visit: 


For more information about NASA's next-generation spacecraft, visit: 



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