NASA Seeks Concept Proposals for Ares V Heavy Lift Rocket

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Jan. 05, 2009

Grey Hautalouma/Ashley Edwards 
Headquarters, Washington 
grey.hautaluoma-1@xxxxxxxx, ashley.edwards-1@xxxxxxxx 

June Malone 
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 

RELEASE: 09-002


WASHINGTON -- On Monday, Jan. 5, NASA issued a request for proposal 
for the Ares V rocket that will perform heavy lift and cargo 
functions as part of the next generation of spacecraft that will 
return humans to the moon. The request is for Phase I concept 
definition and requirements development for the Ares V rocket. 
Proposals are due to NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in 
Huntsville, Ala., no later than 1 p.m. CDT on Feb. 9. 

The request for proposal defines the procurement approach for Phase I 
of the Ares V acquisition. The contract work will include developing 
products to enable NASA to successfully complete the system 
requirements review and system definition review, critical milestones 
in the development of the rocket. Completion of the system definition 
review will verify the design concept and demonstrate mission 
objectives can be met. 

The solicitation includes five separate work packages available for 
bid. Work packages one through four include the payload shroud that 
will protect the Altair lunar lander during launch, the Earth 
Departure Stage, the core stage, and avionics and software. The 
products for these work packages include assessing point of departure 
architecture, assessing risks and opportunities, trade studies and 
analysis, assessment of NASA requirements and a final report. The 
fifth work package includes a first stage concept for an upgraded 
solid rocket fueled booster. 

Marshall will manage the contracts, which will be awarded through a 
full and open competition. The selections will be made in the spring 
of 2009. The period of performance for each contract is 18 months 
with two, one-year options. 

For more information about the request for proposal, visit: 

For information about NASA's Ares rockets, visit:   


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