NASA Deputy Administrator Dale to Resign on January 17

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Dec. 03, 2008

Roselee Roberts 
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: 08-317


WASHINGTON -- NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale announced Wednesday 
her intent to resign from the agency, effective Jan. 17, 2009, in 
advance of the new administration coming into office. She has served 
as NASA's second-in-command since November 2005. 

"It has been an honor for me to work with those who support America's 
space program," Dale said. "It is a highly dedicated group, made up 
of individuals who share a deep passion for the missions of the 
agency. I will miss the cutting-edge missions, but most of all I will 
miss the incredibly talented people of NASA. It is a great team to be 
a part of, and I look forward to watching and cheering on the amazing 
accomplishments that are yet to come." 

Dale's previous experience includes working for the U.S. House of 
Representatives, the University of Texas system, the White House's 
Office of Science and Technology Policy, and law firms in California. 
She is planning to enjoy time off with her family in January and 
February and consider options for the next phase of her career. 

"It has been an honor and a privilege to work with Shana for these 
last three years," NASA Administrator Michael Griffin said. "I have 
benefitted from her insightful and perceptive analysis in a host of 
difficult situations. Her long experience on Capitol Hill and in the 
White House has been a perfect complement to my own background, and 
enabled us to function as a team in managing NASA far more 
effectively than either of us would have done alone. Being a deputy 
is a very difficult job, and Shana has handled it superbly. She has 
offered incisive and perceptive analysis in a host of difficult 
situations, never hesitating to disagree with a prevailing opinion 
when that was the thing to do, but always supporting a final 
decision. I will miss her." 

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