NASA Uses iTunes to Share Development Progress of Ares Rocket

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Nov. 26, 2008

Ashley Edwards/Grey Hautaluoma 
Headquarters, Washington 
ashley.edwards-1@xxxxxxxx, grey.hautaluoma-1@xxxxxxxx 

June Malone 
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 

RELEASE: 08-314


HUNTSVILLE, Ala. -- Video updates reporting progress made on NASA's 
newest family of exploration vehicles -- the Ares I crew launch 
vehicle and Ares V heavy cargo launch vehicle -- are now featured on 

The Ares Projects quarterly progress reports offer viewers a rare 
glimpse at the on-going development work of the next-generation 
launch vehicles that will take explorers to the moon and beyond in 
coming decades. Beginning in 2015, the Ares I rocket will launch the 
Orion crew capsule, carrying astronauts and payloads to the 
International Space Station. 

iTunes is the place to get an up-close look at the Ares rockets and 
learn more about key engine, hardware and system milestones as the 
rockets proceed through the design, review and development processes 
that will take them -- and their future crews -- to launch. 

The video progress reports, which have been produced quarterly 
beginning in August 2006, have been used to visually share progress 
with the NASA team at all levels and to record the historical work 
being completed on America's newest fleet of spacecraft for future 
generations. Now, in an effort to share the Ares development with a 
broader audience, NASA is posting the full library of reports on 
iTunes. The programs range in length from 5-15 minutes. 

The 10 quarterly reports produced to date spotlight the detailed 
evolution of the Ares vehicles, from earliest conception through 
various design phases and the most recent testing. The latest report 
in the series -- Ares quarterly progress report number 10 -- includes 
video segments about: 

- Wind tunnel testing of scale models of the Ares I test vehicle, 
known as Ares I-X, and the Ares V rocket. The testing aids engineers 
in designing aerodynamic vehicles. 

- Disassembly and inspection of part of the J-2X engine -- known as 
the powerpack -- that will produce the thrust needed to power the 
Ares I rocket to orbit. The powerpack pushes liquid hydrogen and 
liquid oxygen into the engine's main combustion chamber. This test 
series helped address early design risks. Engineers are now 
evaluating hardware used as part of the recent testing. 

- The first tests to weld together pieces of the rockets being 
developed. NASA recently tested a new robotic friction stir welding 
facility by fusing space shuttle fuel tank panels. Friction stir 
welding is an innovative technique invented in 1991 that uses forging 
pressure and frictional heating to produce high-strength bonds 
virtually free of defects. 

- A test of a parachute for the Ares I rocket. The parachute will slow 
the rapid descent of the rocket's reusable first-stage motor as it 
falls back to Earth after detaching from the rocket during its climb 
to space. The parachute permits recovery of the motor for use on 
future Ares I flights. 

The Ares Projects team at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in 
Huntsville, Ala., manages the development of the Ares rockets. NASA's 
Johnson Space Center in Houston manages the Constellation Program, 
which includes the Ares I and Ares V rockets, the Orion crew module 
and the Altair lunar lander. 

To view the Ares quarterly progress reports on iTunes, visit: 

To learn more about the Ares rockets and view the Ares quarterly 
progress reports on NASA's Ares web site, visit: 

For more information about NASA's Constellation Program, visit: 

For additional interactive features and podcasts about NASA, visit: 


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