NASA Conducts First Test On New Motor For The Ares I Rocket

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Sept. 11, 2008

Stephanie Schierholz/Grey Hautaluoma 
Headquarters, Washington                                         
stephanie.schierholz@xxxxxxxx, grey.hautaluoma-1@xxxxxxxx    

June Malone 
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 
RELEASE: 08-231


HUNTSVILLE, Ala. -- Engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center 
in Huntsville, Ala., have completed first-round testing of a critical 
motor for NASA's new Ares I rocket. The Ares I is a two-stage rocket 
that will launch astronauts aboard the Orion crew capsule on missions 
to the International Space Station and to the moon by 2020. 

The ullage settling motor is a small, solid rocket motor that serves 
two key roles during the launch of the Ares I rocket. During first 
stage separation, which occurs 125.8 seconds into flight, the motor 
will fire for four seconds, producing the forward thrust needed to 
push the second, or upper, stage away from the first stage. This 
forward thrust also ensures the rocket's liquid fuel is properly 
pushed to the bottom of the upper stage fuel tank prior to ignition 
of the J-2X engine that powers the upper stage. 

The successful hot-fire test of this new development motor -- the 
first test in this series -- was conducted Sept. 11 at Marshall. All 
test objectives were achieved, bringing NASA one step closer to 
developing America's new space transportation system. This first 
series of early development testing will consist of four motors. It 
is scheduled to run through 2009. The second test series is planned 
for February 2009. 

"We are extremely excited about the success of this test that proves 
we are headed down the correct development path for this program," 
said Danny Davis, upper stage manager for Ares Projects at Marshall. 
"We have the right team in place, and we are working a design that 
will secure America's future in space." 

The word "ullage" is taken from the French term "ouillage," which is 
used in winemaking to describe the space between wine and the top of 
a storage container, such as a barrel or bottle. In this case, it 
refers to the space at the top of the first stage fuel tank and the 
need to push the fuel, or settle it, to the bottom of the tank. 

The ullage motor, 9 inches in diameter and 47 inches in length, is 
similar in design to the booster separation motor used on the space 
shuttle's reusable solid rocket motor. Eight ullage motors will be 
arranged in four pairs on the Ares I upper stage aft skirt, which 
also houses the reaction control system. The aft skirt is located 
between the upper stage core, which contains the liquid hydrogen and 
oxygen fuel tanks, and the interstage, which houses the rocket's roll 
control system. 

"We are very excited about this opportunity for our team to practice 
the basic principles of solid rocket motor design for the Ares I," 
said Steve Harvison, ullage settling motor design lead at Marshall. 
"It has been especially beneficial to newer team members who are 
fresh out of college and eager for this challenge. We are working 
every engineering aspect of these motors, from technical analysis, 
modeling and simulations to propellant tailoring work and hands-on 
developmental testing." 

The first Ares I test flight, called Ares I-X, is scheduled for 2009. 

NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston manages the Constellation 
Program, which includes the Ares I rocket, the Ares V heavy-lift 
launch vehicle, the Orion crew capsule and the Altair lunar lander. 
Marshall manages the Ares Projects. 

Video of the ullage motor test will be available Friday, Sept. 12, on 
NASA Television's Video File. For NASA TV downlink, schedule and 
streaming video information, visit: 

For a photo of the test and more information about Ares, visit:   


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