NASA Awards Education Research Grants To Minority Universities

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Sept. 09, 2008

Sonja Alexander 
Headquarters, Washington                                         
RELEASE: 08-226


WASHINGTON -- NASA's Office of Education is awarding research grants 
totaling nearly $35 million to seven minority institutions. 

The goal of NASA's Minority University Research and Education Program 
is to establish significant, multi-disciplinary scientific, 
engineering and commercial research centers at the host universities 
that contribute substantially to NASA programs. The awards will help 
to achieve a broad based, competitive aerospace research and 
technology development capability among the nation's Historically 
Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Universities. 

The grants also will help increase participation by faculty and 
students of selected colleges and universities in the research 
programs of NASA's mission directorates, and increase the number of 
underrepresented minorities who obtain advanced degrees in 
NASA-related fields. Each university will receive up to $1 million 
per year for a maximum of five years based on performance and 
availability of funds. NASA's Office of Education intends to issue a 
cooperative agreement notice for the University Research Center 
project in the coming fiscal year. 

The university organizations selected to receive awards are: 

NASA University Research Center SPACE Center, California State 
University, Los Angeles 

WaterSCAPES: Science of Coupled Aquatic Processes in Ecosystems from 
Space, Florida International University, Miami 

Howard University Beltsville Center for Climate System Observation, 
Howard University, Washington 

Center of Excellence in Systems Engineering for Space Exploration 
Technologies, Morgan State University, Baltimore 

The Center for Radiation Engineering and Science for Space 
Exploration, Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View, Texas 

Center for Bio-Nanotechnology and Environmental Research, Texas 
Southern University, Houston 

Center for Advanced Nanoscale Materials II, University of Puerto Rico, 
Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan 

For more information about the awards, visit: 


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