Take an Interactive Journey Through NASA's First Fifty Years of Exploration

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Aug. 1, 2008

Bob Jacobs
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: 08-196


WASHINGTON -- This week marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of 
the space act that created NASA. To commemorate NASA's beginning, the 
agency has released an immersive multimedia experience that takes 
visitors on an interactive tour of its first five decades of 

Combining current and historic video with state-of-the-art computer 
animation, the virtual exhibit takes a World's Fair approach to NASA 
history, featuring pavilions that host each decade of the agency's 
challenges and achievements. Visitors will get unique insight into 
NASA's activities over the years, including a wide range of 
exploration and research initiatives, and a glimpse into the future.

"We're very excited to have people come and take a look at NASA's 
history," said Brian Dunbar, NASA's Internet services manager at 
Headquarters in Washington. "We've been able to take a wide range of 
material and weave it into a virtual tour that allows people to 
explore at their own pace."

The exhibit's host is an animated robot named Automa, who will guide 
visitors through their journey. Also assisting everyone throughout 
their tour are important historic and cultural figures of the past 50 
years of aerospace history, including astronauts, presidents, 
astronomers, and other popular icons associated with NASA's history. 
For example, in the 1970s pavilion, visitors will see a presentation 
of NASA's Voyager and Viking missions hosted by an avatar of the late 
astronomer Carl Sagan, complete with excerpts from his popular 
television series "Cosmos."

"We're making our first real foray into animation," said David Mould, 
associate administrator for public affairs, Headquarters, Washington. 
"It represents a new communications medium for us and we have been 
fortunate to get the support of a lot of people that has enabled us 
to include some recognizable historic figures as part of this 
interactive commemoration."

Visitors to the site can also experience:

Interior 3D views of John Glenn's Friendship 7 Mercury spacecraft 
The original April 1959 press conference introducing the Mercury 
A tour of the International Space Station 
Video presentations about NASA's aeronautics programs 
An interview with former CBS news journalist Walter Cronkite

On July 29, 1958, the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. 
Eisenhower, signed into law the "National Aeronautics and Space Act 
of 1958" (Public Law 85-568). Less than one month later, President 
Eisenhower administered the oath of office to NASA's first 
Administrator, T. Keith Glennan, and the agency's Deputy 
Administrator, Hugh L. Dryden, who had been serving as the director 
of NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for 
Aeronautics, or NACA.

To begin the tour of NASA's first 50 years, visit:


And learn more about the agency's 50th anniversary at: 



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