NASA Lunar Science Institute Names First International Partner

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July 30, 2008

Dwayne Brown 
Headquarters, Washington 

Michael Mewhinney 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 

Douglas Keddy 
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada 
519-661-2111 ext: 87485 

RELEASE: 08-192


MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. -- NASA's Lunar Science Institute at Moffett 
Field, Calif., has announced its first international affiliate 
partner for conducting lunar science activities. Canada's University 
of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, will represent the Canadian 
lunar science community as part of the newly established Canadian 
Network for Lunar Science and Exploration. 

"We are tremendously excited about this partnership," said S. Pete 
Worden, director of NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, 
Calif. "With the large number of U.S. and international missions 
focused on the moon, this is absolutely the right step forward." 

The institute, dedicated in April 2008 at Ames, will promote a new 
generation of research on and about the moon. It will support 
collaborative science, providing technical perspectives to NASA's 
lunar missions and developing future scientific investigations. 

"We are extremely proud of our status as the first NASA Lunar Science 
Institute affiliate outside of the United States," said Ted Hewitt, 
vice president of research and international relations for the 
University of Western Ontario. "We look forward to working with our 
colleagues throughout the institute's organization and at the 
Canadian Space Agency conducting this world-class research." 

The institute has a major focus on developing the next generation of 
lunar science researchers and supporting a vigorous education and 
public outreach program focused on the moon. 

"The moon has been Earth's cosmic partner for the last four billion 
years," said Gregory Schmidt, director of international partnerships 
and deputy director of the institute. "It is an honor to move forward 
in partnership with the Canadian science community in this next phase 
of scientific exploration of the moon." 

For information about the NASA Lunar Science Institute, visit: 

For information about the University of Western Ontario, visit: 


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