Space Agencies Continue Talks on Global Exploration Strategy

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July 14, 2008

Michael Braukus/Grey Hautaluoma
Headquarters, Washington
michael.j.braukus@xxxxxxxx, grey.hautaluoma-1@xxxxxxxx

RELEASE: 08-174


WASHINGTON -- Representatives of 11 space agencies from around the 
world gathered in Montreal July 10 - 12 to continue the coordination 
of programs to extend human and robotic presence throughout the solar 

In May 2007, multilateral space agency discussions resulted in the 
release of "The Global Exploration Strategy - The Framework for 
Coordination." The document is a product of a shared vision of space 
exploration focused on solar system destinations where humans may 
someday live and work. It represents an important first step in 
coordinating space exploration efforts toward common goals. The 
framework envisions a coordination mechanism to facilitate 
international planning, leading to the establishment of the 
International Space Exploration Coordination Group, or ISECG.

During last week's ISECG meeting in Montreal, hosted by the Canadian 
Space Agency, the participants made significant progress on a number 
of areas that will facilitate cooperation. Among the accomplishments 
were establishing an ISECG secretariat to be initially hosted by the 
European Space Agency; plans for conducting effective public 
engagement; and development of tools for sharing information on 
exploration capabilities and mission plans across agencies. The 
participants also took initial steps toward identifying critical 
space infrastructure interfaces, such as between spacecraft, lunar 
rovers and lunar habitats, which if standardized would increase 
opportunities for international cooperation.

The agencies reaffirmed the importance of the steps taken in Montreal 
toward ensuring a comprehensive global approach to space exploration 
and maintaining an open dialogue as the space exploration 
architecture planning of individual space agencies moves forward. 

Attending the meeting were representatives of Australia, Canada, the 
European Space Agency, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, 
the Republic of Korea and Ukraine.

For more information on the Global Exploration Strategy, visit:


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