NASA Considers Development of Student-Led Satellite Initiative

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July 2, 2008

Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington

Rachel Prucey
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.

Katherine Martin
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland

RELEASE: 08-151


MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. -- NASA is considering the development of a 
university-based, student-led satellite development initiative to 
begin passing the space exploration torch to a new generation.

The American Student Moon Orbiter, or ASMO, concept invites students, 
faculty and industry leaders in the U.S. with experience in 
university-based, student-led spaceflight projects to respond to a 
Request for Information which is planned for release this month and 
will remain open for at least 90 days. The orbiter will be a small 
satellite that could orbit the moon and carry scientific instruments 
designed and developed by students. It is aligned with NASA's lunar 
exploration agenda.

"It is important to provide meaningful experiences to our next 
generation of engineers, but we need to do it in a thoughtful way," 
said Dr. Joyce Winterton, assistant administrator for Education at 
NASA Headquarters in Washington. "By collecting input from 
universities with experience in this area, we can make the correct 
decision about whether to proceed, and if so, how."

Under the ASMO concept, teams would learn directly from NASA mentors 
as part of a diverse, nationwide, higher education initiative that 
enables students to design, build, launch, operate and own a small 
spacecraft and its payload. Students would acquire in-depth 
experience with satellite mission protocol and procedures, 
communications and project management. NASA's Ames Research Center at 
Moffett Field in California and NASA's Glenn Research Center in 
Cleveland are leading the ASMO initiative. 

"NASA is laying the foundation for a multi-generation exploration 
program that eventually will see humans settle our solar system," 
said Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden. "To sustain this vision, we 
need the next crop of scientists and engineers to engage their minds 
and get hands-on experience."

NASA's Office of Education provides opportunities to prepare college 
and university students for successful aerospace careers through 
real-world applications of their science, technology, engineering, 
and mathematics skills.

To respond to the American Student Moon Orbiter Request for 
Information, visit:


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