May 29, 2008 Steve Cole Headquarters, Washington 202-358-0918 stephen.e.cole@xxxxxxxx Cynthia M. O'Carroll Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. 301-286-4647 cynthia.m.ocarroll@xxxxxxxx CONTRACT RELEASE: C08-032 NASA AWARDS SNOW AND ICE DISTRIBUTED ACTIVE ARCHIVE CONTRACT WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected the University of Colorado at Boulder for the management and operations of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System Snow and Ice Distributed Active Archive Center. The maximum value of the cost, no-fee contract is $32 million over a five-year period. The Snow and Ice Distributed Active Archive Center focuses on receiving, archiving, transforming, validating and distributing digital and analog snow and ice data products generated from numerous Earth observation satellites, as well as in situ data sets. The Center also maintains information about snow cover, avalanches, glaciers, ice sheets, freshwater ice, sea ice, ground ice, permafrost, atmospheric ice, paleoglaciology and ice cores. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., is responsible for providing users access to data from NASA's Earth Science program. For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: -end- To subscribe to the list, send a message to: hqnews-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To remove your address from the list, send a message to: hqnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx