NASA Network Connects Students for Web Retrospective Series

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May 8, 2008

Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington

Emily Outen
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va.
757-864-7022/272-9859 (mobile)

RELEASE: 08-118


HAMPTON, Va. -- As part of NASA's 50th anniversary celebration, the 
Digital Learning Network will host a series of live webcasts with 
students across the country May 13-21. The series will highlight the 
contributions of each NASA center to a specific topic in NASA 
history. The webcasts also will focus NASA's present and future 
efforts in space exploration.

NASA's Digital Learning Network allows the next generation of 
explorers to connect with scientists, engineers and researchers 
without leaving the classroom. Through interactive videoconferencing, 
the network provides distance-learning events designed to educate 
through demonstrations and real time interactions with NASA experts. 

The 50th anniversary series webcasts are (all times EDT):

Go Flight, May 13, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
The year is 1958. Nothing would ever be the same. For the first time, 
the United States sent a man-made device into space. This new 
frontier of exploration required ingenuity and creativity. NASA's 
Johnson Space Center and NASA's Kennedy Space Center will host a web 
cast to re-live the significant past events of these two centers 
while realizing that future milestones of NASA will be accomplished 
by the students inside today's classroom.

Astronomy: Bringing the Past to Light, May 14, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 
p.m. to 4 p.m.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory are combining forces to bring the rich history and science 
of telescopes to light. This interactive learning event will peer 
back through time to "first light" for Galileo's refractor, highlight 
the evolution of the telescope into today's large mountaintop 
reflectors, and focus in on the present and future promise of NASA's 
space-based great observatories. Witness the inspiring trek of 
innovation and discovery as NASA continues to explore for answers 
that power our future. 

Advancements in Aeronautics, May 20, 11 a.m. to noon
Fly away with NASA's Langley and Dryden Flight Research Centers to 
learn about their roles in the development of aeronautics during 
NASA's 50 years. Combined, the two centers have been studying 
aviation for more than 90 years. Learn more about this fascinating 
area of science and how NASA's advancements have benefited mankind.

Propulsion: Past, Present and Future, May 20, 1:10 p.m. to 2:10 p.m.
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and NASA's Stennis Space Center 
were built to examine Newton's three fundamental laws of motion 
through testing large-scale engines used for propulsion, eventually 
taking man to the moon. In recent years, both centers were key in the 
development of the Space Shuttle Program, taking NASA from the 
conceptual stages to the final flight three years from now. As the 
shuttle is retired, Marshall and Stennis look to a new era of space 
exploration, taking man back to the moon and beyond to new frontiers. 

Wind Tunnels and Their Use in Aerospace, May 21, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 
2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
You have just put your design idea for your new aircraft or rocket on 
paper but if you build it, will it fly? Learn how scientists and 
engineers at NASA have answered this question over the past 50 years 
without leaving the ground. Take a journey with the Digital Learning 
Network and see how NASA uses wind tunnel facilities for aviation and 
aerospace research.

To watch the live webcasts, visit:

For more information on research at NASA education, visit:


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