NASA Selects Scientists and Investigations for Robotic Moon Mission

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March 10, 2008

Dwayne Brown
Headquarters, Washington

RELEASE: 08-079


WASHINGTON - NASA has selected 24 scientists to initiate new 
investigations and assist with planned measurements to be conducted 
by the agency's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). Scheduled for 
launch later this year, LRO represents NASA's first step toward 
returning humans to the moon. 

The orbiter will conduct a one-year primary mission exploring the 
moon, taking measurements to identify future robotic and human 
landing sites. In addition, it will study lunar resources and how the 
moon's environment will affect humans. The mission also will involve 
a spacecraft called the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing 
Satellite (LCROSS), which will impact the lunar south pole to search 
for evidence of polar water frost. 

"LRO is a phenomenal mission for NASA. It has dual use, both for 
exploration and for science," said Alan Stern, associate 
administrator, NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. "With 
the selection of these new investigators the LRO science team is 
bulked up and ready for flight, and interest in lunar science is 
building again at a rapid pace."

A German and a Canadian researcher are among the newly selected 
scientists that will work with orbiter instrument teams to define the 
science goals for the extended science phase of the mission, during 
its second year. In addition to achieving its exploration objectives, 
the spacecraft is expected to return high quality scientific data, 
such as day-night temperature maps, a global geodetic grid, high 
resolution color imaging and detailed global topography that will 
greatly expand our understanding of the moon. 

NASA received a total of 55 proposals in response to a NASA Research 
Announcement released in 2007. A peer review panel and NASA Planetary 
Science Division Research and Analysis Program scientists evaluated 
the proposals. Selection criteria included intrinsic merit, 
relevance, responsiveness to planetary science goals and objectives, 
as well as cost. 

Scientists will be fully or partially funded depending on their 
research work and scope of activities. NASA will provide funding to 
U.S. scientists for up to three years depending on satisfactory 
progress, continued relevance to NASA objectives and availability of 
funds. Funding levels are being evaluated.

The orbiter and the sensing satellite will launch together aboard an 
Atlas V rocket in late 2008. The orbiter's trip to the moon will take 
approximately four days. Once in its final orbit, a circular polar 
orbit approximately 31 miles above the moon, spacecraft instruments 
will map the moon's surface at high resolution, study its radiation 
field and map its gravity field.

The LCROSS will take several months to reach the moon. That mission 
will search for water astronauts could use at a future lunar outpost. 
The sensing spacecraft will impact the moon near its south pole early 
in 2009. NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., manages 
the mission. 

In a study published in 2007, the National Academy of Sciences 
concluded that the science conducted on the moon is of high value. 
NASA's Science Mission Directorate will help coordinate and expand a 
number of in-depth research efforts in lunar science and other fields 
that can benefit from human and robotic missions to the moon. The 
lunar orbiter's science mission phase is one of the science 
directorate's many activities that support moon exploration 

The LRO spacecraft is being built and tested at NASA's Goddard Space 
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and includes six instruments and a 
technology demonstration. 

For a complete list of the selected scientists and their 
investigations, visit:

For more information about the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, visit:


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