Feb. 22, 2008 Beth Dickey/Stephanie Schierholz Headquarters, Washington 202-358-2087/4997 bdickey@xxxxxxxx, stephanie.schierholz@xxxxxxxx DC Agle Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 818-354-0474 agle@xxxxxxxxxxxx MEDIA ADVISORY: M08-039 NASA TO RELEASE ENHANCED RADAR IMAGERY OF LUNAR SOUTH POLE WASHINGTON -- NASA scientists have obtained the highest resolution terrain mapping to date of the moon's rugged south polar region and will discuss the imagery Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the 3rd Space Exploration Conference in Denver. Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., generated the imagery using data collected with the facility's Goldstone Solar System Radar. The news media briefing is scheduled for noon MST in Room 506 of the Colorado Convention Center. Panelists for the briefing are: - Doug Cooke, deputy associate administrator, Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington - Scott Hensley, principal investigator, Lunar Image Team, JPL - Eric de Jong, principal investigator, Solar System Visualization, JPL For reporters who are unable to attend, a call-in line will be available. Call-in information is available by contacting Stephanie Schierholz at 202-834-0548. At noon MST on Feb. 27, terrain maps of the moon's south pole and other images will be available online at: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/exploration/mmb/022708.html For more information about NASA's program to return to the moon, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/exploration The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics will host the conference Feb. 26-28 in Denver. Media may register to attend by contacting Sharon Grace of AIAA at 703-264-7532 or sharong@xxxxxxxxx For more information about the conference, visit: http://www.aiaa.org/events/exploration -end- To subscribe to the list, send a message to: hqnews-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To remove your address from the list, send a message to: hqnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx