NASA's Shuttle Atlantis Begins Mission to the Space Station

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Feb. 7, 2008

Michael Curie
Headquarters, Washington 

Candrea Thomas
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

RELEASE: 08-035


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Space shuttle Atlantis and its seven-member 
crew lifted off at 2:45 p.m. EST on Thursday, Feb. 7 from NASA's 
Kennedy Space Center to begin the STS-122 mission to the 
International Space Station.

During the 11-day flight, Commander Steve Frick and his six crewmates 
will install the European Space Agency's Columbus laboratory on the 
station. Columbus will expand the research facilities of the station 
and provide scientists around the world with the ability to conduct a 
variety of life, physical and materials science experiments. The 
mission will include three spacewalks, delivery of a new crew member 
to the station and the return of another astronaut after nearly four 
months aboard the complex.

Shortly before launch, Frick thanked the teams that helped make the 
launch possible.

"We're looking forward to a great flight and coming back to see our 
families in two weeks," Frick said. "It looks like today's a good 
day, and we're ready to go fly."

Joining Frick on STS-122 are pilot Alan Poindexter and mission 
specialists Leland Melvin, Rex Walheim, Stanley Love and European 
Space Agency astronauts Hans Schlegel and Leopold Eyharts. Eyharts 
will replace current station resident Dan Tani, who has lived on the 
outpost since October. Eyharts will return to Earth on shuttle 
Endeavour's STS-123 mission, which is currently targeted for launch 
on March 11, 2008.

During the countdown, a newly-designed connector in the shuttle's fuel 
sensor system performed normally. The STS-122 mission was twice 
delayed in December 2007 after false readings occurred in that system 
while Atlantis' external fuel tank was being filled. Tests revealed 
that open circuits in the external tank's feed through connector were 
the most likely cause. A modified connector, designed with pins and 
sockets soldered together, was installed for the mission. The sensor 
system is one of several that protects the shuttle's main engines by 
triggering their shut down if fuel runs unexpectedly low. 

NASA is providing continuous television and Internet coverage of 
Atlantis' mission, which is the 121st shuttle flight, the 29th for 
Atlantis and the 24th shuttle mission to the station.

NASA Television features live mission events, daily mission status 
news conferences and 24-hour commentary. NASA TV is webcast at:

NASA Web coverage of STS-122 includes current mission information, 
interactive features, and news conference images, graphics and 
videos. Mission coverage, including the latest NASA TV schedule, also 
is available on the main space shuttle Web site at:

Daily news conferences with STS-122 mission managers take place at 
NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston. Reporters may ask questions 
from participating NASA locations. Please contact your preferred NASA 
facility by its daily close of business to confirm its availability 
before each event. 

For information about other NASA missions and activities, visit:


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