NASA Data Link Pollution to Rainy Summer Days in the Southeast

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Jan. 31, 2008

Steve Cole
Headquarters, Washington

RELEASE: 08-031


WASHINGTON - Rainfall data from a NASA satellite show that summertime 
storms in the southeastern United States shed more rainfall midweek 
than on weekends. Scientists say air pollution from humans is likely 
driving that trend. 

The link between rainfall and the day of the week is evident in data 
from NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite, known as 
TRMM. Midweek storms tend to be stronger, drop more rain and span a 
larger area across the Southeast compared to calmer and drier 
weekends. The findings are from a study led by Thomas Bell, an 
atmospheric scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, 
Greenbelt, Md. Bell said the trend could be attributed to atmospheric 
pollution from humans, which also peaks midweek.

"It's eerie to think that we're affecting the weather," said Bell, 
lead author of the study published online this week in the American 
Geophysical Union's Journal of Geophysical Research. "It appears that 
we're making storms more violent."

Rainfall measurements collected from ground-based gauges can vary from 
one gauge site to the next because of fickle weather patterns. So, to 
identify any kind of significant weekly rainfall trend, Bell and 
colleagues looked at the big picture from Earth's orbit. The team 
collected data from instruments on the TRMM satellite, which they 
used to estimate daily summertime rainfall averages from 1998 to 2005 
across the entire Southeast.

The team found that, on average, it rained more between Tuesday and 
Thursday than from Saturday through Monday. Newly analyzed satellite 
data show that summer 2007 echoed the midweek trend with peak 
rainfall occurring late on Thursdays. However, midweek increases in 
rainfall were more significant in the afternoon, when the conditions 
for summertime storms are in place. Based on satellite data, 
afternoon rainfall peaked on Tuesdays, with 1.8 times more rainfall 
than on Saturdays, which experienced the least amount of afternoon 

The team used ground-based data from gauges, along with vertical wind 
speed and cloud height measurements, to help confirm the weekly trend 
in rainfall observed from space.

To find out if pollution from humans indeed could be responsible for 
the midweek boost in rainfall, the team analyzed particulate matter, 
the concentrations of airborne particles associated with pollution, 
across the U.S. from 1998 to 2005. The data, obtained from the 
Environmental Protection Agency, showed that pollution tended to peak 
midweek, mirroring the trend observed in the rainfall data. 

"If two things happen at the same time, it doesn't mean one caused the 
other," Bell said. "But it's well known that particulate matter has 
the potential to affect how clouds behave, and this kind of evidence 
makes the argument stronger for a link between pollution and heavier 

Scientists long have questioned the effect of workweek pollution, such 
as emissions from traffic, businesses and factories, on weekly 
weather patterns. Researchers know clouds are "seeded" by particulate 
matter. Water and ice in clouds grab hold around the particles, 
forming additional water droplets. Some researchers think increased 
pollution thwarts rainfall by dispersing the same amount of water 
over more seeds, preventing them from growing large enough to fall as 
rain. Still, other studies suggest some factors can override this 
dispersion effect.

In the Southeast, summertime conditions for large, frequent storms are 
already in place, a factor that overrides the rain-thwarting 
dispersion effect. When conditions are poised to form big storms, 
updrafts carry the smaller, pollution-seeded raindrops high into the 
atmosphere where they condense and freeze. 

"It's the freezing process that gives the storm an extra kick, causing 
it to grow larger and climb higher into the atmosphere," Bell said. 
He and his colleagues found that the radar on the TRMM satellite 
showed that storms climb to high altitudes more often during the 
middle of the week than on weekends. These invigorated midweek 
storms, fueled by workweek pollution, could drop measurably more 

The trend doesn't mean it will always rain on weekday afternoons 
during summertime in the Southeast. Rather, "it's a tendency," 
according to Bell. But with the help of satellites, new insights into 
pollution's effect on weather one day could help improve the accuracy 
of rainfall forecasts, which Bell said, "probably under-predict rain 
during the week and over-predict rain on weekends." 

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