SOFIA Completes Closed-Door Test Flights

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Jan. 16, 2008

Grey Hautaluoma 
Headquarters, Washington 

Beth Hagenauer
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.

RELEASE: 08-010


EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for 
Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA, has passed a significant mission 
milestone. It has completed the first phase of experimental flight 
tests, which confirmed the structural integrity and performance of 
the modified 747SP SOFIA aircraft that carries a huge infrared 

The telescope measures nearly 10 feet in width and weighs almost 19 
tons. It peers through a 16-foot-high door cut into SOFIA's 747 
fuselage. During this test series, the aircraft flew five times with 
this external door closed. These flights tested the limits of the 
aircraft's capabilities in many areas, including aerodynamics, 
structural integrity, stability and control, and handling qualities.

"SOFIA is already a technological marvel, and will soon be a powerful 
tool for studying the birth and evolution of planets, stars, and 
galaxies," said Alan Stern, associate administrator of NASA's Science 
Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington. "The completion 
of its closed door testing phase is a major milestone on the way to 
SOFIA's inaugural science flights next year."

The SOFIA program also checked the functionality of the aircraft's 
cutting edge, German-built telescope. Engineers tested the ability of 
the instrument's control system to maintain its precise position when 
tracking a celestial object, even while the aircraft moves and 
maneuvers through the sky. 

"The project finished a very important milestone on the path to the 
first astronomy work with the telescope, which is expected in early 
2009," said Robert Meyer, SOFIA program manager at NASA's Dryden 
Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

The aircraft now will undergo installation and integration of the 
remaining elements of the observatory before open-door test flights 
scheduled to begin in late 2008. After completing the initial 
open-door test flight, limited science observation flights will begin 
in 2009. The science community will survey the universe with five 
specialized instruments on SOFIA as the observatory begins normal 
science observation flights in 2011. The observatory reaches full 
operational capabilities in 2014.

The SOFIA aircraft is based at Dryden's newly established Aircraft 
Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif., where it will remain for 
additional development, flight testing and science flight operations. 
The program is a partnership of NASA and the German Aerospace Center. 
Dryden manages the SOFIA program. NASA's Ames Research Center, 
Moffett Field, Calif., manages the science project.

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