NASA Delays Mars Scout Mission to 2013

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Dec. 21, 2007

Grey Hautaluoma 
Headquarters, Washington

RELEASE: 07-283


WASHINGTON - NASA announced today that the next mission in the Mars 
Scout program, originally planned for launch in 2011, is now targeted 
for launch in 2013. The schedule slip is because of an organizational 
conflict of interest that was discovered in one of the mission 
proposal team's Phase A Concept Study. This was the shortest delay 
for the mission possible because opportunities to send spacecraft to 
Mars occur only once every 26 months.

NASA will fund current proposals to meet a new launch date in 2013. 
Revised proposals will be due in August 2008, and the evaluation and 
selection will take place in December 2008.

In November, NASA postponed the Scout mission's evaluation, selection, 
and announcement so the agency could resolve an organizational 
conflict of interest. The conflict of interest was discovered shortly 
after the concept study reports were received.

The extent of the conflict was severe enough that NASA determined its 
only recourse was to stop the evaluation and reconstitute the entire 
review panel that provides the technical and cost analyses for 
mission selections. 

"The panel's independent expertise and evaluation are critical to 
maintaining a fair and competitive mission selection process," said 
Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, 
NASA Headquarters, Washington. "This was a difficult decision, but 
necessary to preserve the integrity of the process, while ensuring we 
have adequate resources for the mission we ultimately select." 

The delay in selection, resulting from reconstituting the entire 
review team and replanning the evaluation schedule, is approximately 
four months. Because of the delay, proposers would be left an 
unacceptable schedule, and schedule reserve, to meet a targeted 
launch date of 2011. Changing the launch date to the next Mars 
opportunity in 2013 reestablishes an acceptable and achievable 
schedule for the mission.

"We regret the delay, but NASA is taking this step to be proactive in 
preventing problems early on," said Mars Exploration Program Director 
Doug McCuistion, NASA Headquarters. "Because these are cost-capped 
missions, it is better to address the schedule risk now rather than 
put the winning proposer at a cost and schedule disadvantage from the 
start. Delaying the next Scout mission and allowing the mission teams 
to replan their proposed missions for 2013 reestablishes an 
acceptable schedule to meet a Mars launch date. It will also reduce 
the risk of cost overruns driven by the tight mission schedule that 
would have resulted if launch had remained in 2011." 

In the first round of the Mars Scout 2006 competition, two missions 
for 2011 originally selected from 26 proposals for further evaluation 
in a concept study phase. The selected missions were the Mars 
Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN mission, or MAVEN and the The Great 
Escape, or TGE, mission. The principal investigator for MAVEN is 
Bruce Jakosky, University of Colorado, Boulder. The TGE principal 
investigator is Jim Burch, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio. 
Both missions would provide similar measurements of Mars' upper 
atmosphere, including its dynamics and evolution, which have been 
given a high priority by the scientific community.

The Mars Scout Program is designed to send a series of small, low-cost 
missions to the Red Planet that are competitively selected. The first 
robotic spacecraft in this program is the Phoenix lander, which was 
launched Aug. 4, 2007, and is scheduled to land in the icy northern 
polar region of Mars on May 25, 2008. 

NASA's Mars Exploration Program seeks to characterize and understand 
Mars as a dynamic system, including its present and past environment, 
climate cycles, geology and biological potential. The Mars 
Exploration Program Office is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., for the Mars Exploration Program, 
Science Mission Directorate, Washington.

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