NASA Announces New Center Assignments for Moon Exploration

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Oct. 30, 2007

Melissa Mathews/Beth Dickey
Headquarters, Washington 
melissa.mathews-1@xxxxxxxx; beth.dickey-1@xxxxxxxx

RELEASE: 07-234


WASHINGTON - NASA announced Tuesday which agency centers will take 
responsibility for specific work to enable astronauts to explore the 
moon. The new assignments cover elements of the lunar lander and 
lunar surface operations. The agency also announced work assignments 
for Ares V, a heavy-lift rocket for lunar missions. 

"NASA's Constellation Program is making real progress toward sending 
astronauts to the moon," said Rick Gilbrech, associate administrator 
for Exploration Systems, NASA Headquarters, Washington. "Work on our 
new fleet of rockets and spacecraft, Ares I and Orion, is already 
well under way. With these new assignments, NASA will launch the next 
phase of its exploration strategy - landing crews and cargo on the 
surface of the moon."

A center-by-center breakdown of assignments is available on the web 

The Ares V and lunar lander assignments will ramp up in fiscal year 
2011, with surface system assignments in fiscal year 2012. While 
these decisions will result in budget and personnel allocations at 
the centers, detailed estimates will not be available until after 
prime contractors are formally selected for the work. 

Each center will have the opportunity for additional work assignments 
as Constellation Program elements become further defined. 

"These work assignments are helping to shape a true Constellation 
identity for each NASA center, which in turn will help the agency to 
foster the kinds of expertise needed to achieve our space exploration 
goals," Gilbrech said.

NASA's Constellation Program is working to send astronauts to the 
moon, where they plan to set up a lunar outpost to prepare for human 
exploration further into the solar system. The first crewed flight of 
the Orion spacecraft, aboard an Ares I rocket, is scheduled for no 
later than 2015. Astronauts will return to the moon by 2020.


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