NASA Sets Media Accreditation Deadlines for Next Shuttle Mission

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Oct. 24, 2007

John Yembrick
Headquarters, Washington



WASHINGTON - NASA has set media accreditation deadlines for the 
upcoming space shuttle mission, STS-122. Shuttle Atlantis is targeted 
to launch Dec. 6 to begin a 12-day mission to the International Space 

All U.S. and international media must apply for credentials to attend 
the liftoff from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida or to cover 
the mission from other NASA centers. To be accredited, media must 
work for legitimate, verifiable news-gathering organizations. 
Reporters may need to submit requests for credentials at multiple 
NASA facilities.

Additional time may be required to process accreditation requests by 
journalists from certain designated countries. Designated countries 
include those with which the United States has no diplomatic 
relations, on the State Department's list of state sponsors of 
terrorism, are under U.S. sanction or embargo, or which raise 
proliferation concerns. Please contact the accrediting NASA center 
for details. Journalists should confirm they have been accredited 
before they travel.

No substitutions of credentials are allowed at any NASA facility. If 
the STS-122 launch is delayed, the deadline for domestic media may be 
extended on a day-by-day basis. 

Media applying for credentials at Kennedy should submit requests via 
the Web at Media must use work e-mail 
addresses, not personal accounts, when applying. Once accreditation 
is approved, applicants will receive confirmation via e-mail. 

Accredited media with mission badges will have access from launch 
through the end of the mission. Application deadlines for mission 
badges are Nov. 21 for U.S. media and Nov. 16 for foreign media. 
Access requests must be submitted separately for Atlantis' rollout to 
the launch pad and the launch dress rehearsal activities, known as 
the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, on Nov. 17-20. 

Media with special logistic requests for Kennedy Space Center, such as 
space for satellite trucks, trailers, electrical connections or work 
space, must contact Laurel Lichtenberger at 
laurel.a.lichtenberger@xxxxxxxx by Nov. 29.

Work space in the NASA News Center and the News Center Annex is 
provided on a first-come basis - one space per organization. To set 
up temporary telephone, fax, ISDN or network lines, media must make 
arrangements with BellSouth at 800-213-4988. Media must have an 
assigned seat in the Kennedy newsroom prior to setting up lines. To 
obtain an assigned seat, contact Patricia Christian at 
patricia.christian@xxxxxxxxx Media must have a public affairs escort 
to any other Kennedy area except the Launch Complex 39 cafeteria. 

Media may obtain Johnson Space Center credentials by calling the 
Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111 or presenting Kennedy STS-122 
mission credentials. Media planning to cover the mission only from 
Johnson need apply for credentials only at Johnson. Deadlines for 
submitting Johnson Space Center accreditation requests are Nov. 14 
for non-U.S. media, regardless of citizenship, and Nov. 29 for U.S. 
media who are U.S. citizens.

Media covering the mission from Johnson using Kennedy credentials also 
must contact the Johnson newsroom by Nov. 29 to arrange workspace, 
phone lines and other logistics. Johnson is responsible for 
credentialing media if the shuttle lands at White Sands Space Harbor, 
N.M. If a landing is imminent at White Sands, Johnson will arrange 

Notice for a space shuttle landing at Dryden Flight Research Center on 
Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., could be short. National media should 
consider accrediting Los Angeles-based personnel who could travel 
quickly to Dryden. Deadlines for submitting Dryden Flight Research 
Center accreditation requests are Nov. 9 for non-U.S. media, 
regardless of citizenship, and Dec. 12 for U.S. media who are U.S. 

For Dryden media credentials, U.S. citizens representing domestic 
media must provide their full name, date of birth, place of birth, 
media organization, the last six digits of their social security 
number and driver's license number, including the name of the issuing 

In addition to the above requirements, foreign media representatives, 
regardless of citizenship, must provide data including their 
citizenship, visa or passport number, expiration date, and alien 
registration number if applicable.

Media should fax requests for credentials on company letterhead to 
661-276-3566. E-mailed requests to pao@xxxxxxxxxxxxx are acceptable 
for media who have been accredited at Dryden within the past year. 
Requests must include a phone number and business e-mail address for 
follow-up contact.

Kennedy Space Center: George Diller, 321-867-2468, 
Johnson Space Center: James Hartsfield, 281-483-5111, 
Dryden Flight Research Center: Leslie Williams, 661-276-3893, 

For information about the STS-122 mission, visit:


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