NASA Develops Wireless Tile Scanner for Space Shuttle Inspection

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Aug. 7, 2007

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington 

John Bluck
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.

RELEASE: 07-171


MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. - A new space shuttle tile inspection method 
using NASA-built, wireless scanners is replacing manual inspection. 
The new process begins with the upcoming shuttle mission, STS-118. 
Endeavour is scheduled to launch from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in 
Florida on Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 6:36 p.m. EDT.

Technicians have been using six new scanners to look for cracks and 
other imperfections in some of the 24,000 tiles that cover space 
shuttle Endeavour. The agency designed and built the new tools at 
NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. In the past, 
workers at Kennedy visually analyzed tiles and measured dings and 
cracks with small hand-held scales. 

"The new method is much faster and more accurate because the depth and 
volume measurements of the flaws and their locations are wirelessly 
transmitted into a computer database," said Joe Lavelle, a senior 
engineer and project manager at Ames. "This tool allows the 
inspectors to determine with very high confidence whether a shuttle 
tile needs to be replaced or just repaired."

"When they made the measurements manually with the scales, they had to 
estimate the volume of flaws to a worst-case value because they could 
not precisely measure the volume with any accuracy," Lavelle 
explained. "With this scanner, they will actually save tiles and the 
time-consuming process of replacing them."

The thermal tiles on the space shuttle protect it from the extreme 
heat generated during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. After 
each shuttle lands, technicians go through a very rigorous and 
lengthy process to assess the surface of the tiles for any damage.

Each scanner weighs approximately 2.9 pounds and is about the size and 
shape of a small teapot. Technicians place the machine on the tile's 
flaw to scan it. In about three seconds, the data are computerized 
and archived.

Engineers can scrutinize computerized 3-D pictures of the flaws. The 
images show the length, width and depth of the flaws on the surface 
of the tiles. Although engineers designed the instrument to scan 
space shuttle tiles, it also could scan reinforced carbon-carbon 
material used on the leading edges of the shuttle's wings.

Engineers developing a heat shield system for NASA's new spaceship 
Orion already are using a larger, desktop version of the scanner to 
study heat shield samples tested at Ames. NASA is building a second 
desktop scanner for use at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. 
The unit should be completed in about two months.

For high-resolution images of the scanner, visit: 

For more information and the space shuttle and upcoming mission, 


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