NASA Moves Forward With Astronaut Assessments

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July 27, 2007

David Mould/Bob Jacobs/Michael Cabbage
Headquarters, Washington
david.r.mould@xxxxxxxx, bob.jacobs@xxxxxxxx, mcabbage@xxxxxxxx 

RELEASE: 07-167


WASHINGTON - NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale said the agency is 
moving forward to implement many of the recommendations contained in 
two studies released Friday about astronaut health and behavioral 

The two reviews were made public prior to a news conference in 
Washington, five months after the agency requested that an 
independent external committee conduct a comprehensive review of 
health services available to astronauts. Both studies were initiated 
in the aftermath of the arrest in February of former astronaut Lisa 

The first assessment of astronaut behavioral medicine procedures, an 
internal review, was completed by NASA's Johnson Space Center, 
Houston, earlier this week. The second assessment, a broader review 
by outside experts called the Astronaut Health Care System Review 
Committee, was organized by NASA Chief Health and Medical Officer Dr. 
Richard Williams. 

"The review committee, chaired by Air Force Col. Richard Bachmann, 
commander of the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, 
completed a valuable task on short notice and I would like to 
acknowledge the group's dedication and time commitment to this 
important review," Dale said. "We are committed to improving the 
behavioral care and assessment procedures for astronauts."

"We believe the resulting modifications will be good for the astronaut 
corps and for NASA."

Dale said NASA immediately will address four primary areas of concern:

NASA Chief of Safety and Mission Assurance Bryan O'Connor, a former 
astronaut, began an extensive examination Friday focusing on 
allegations of improper alcohol use. O'Connor will review all 
existing policies and procedures related to alcohol use and astronaut 
medical fitness prior to flight. The goal is to ensure that risks to 
flight safety are dealt with by appropriate authorities, and, if 
necessary, elevated through a transparent system of senior management 
review and accountability.

NASA's Medical Policy Board, made up of senior internal and external 
medical experts, will further assess the medical and behavioral 
findings and recommendations in the two reviews. The board will 
institute behavioral health assessments as a part of annual flight 
physicals for all astronauts. 

The agency will develop an astronaut code of conduct and has engaged 
NASA's astronaut corps to help develop the formal guidelines. The 
astronauts already have started to develop an initial set of 
recommendations and agency leadership will establish a collaborative 
process to create an official code. 

To address organizational culture issues outlined in the reports, NASA 
will conduct a series of internal assessments, including anonymous 
surveys to be completed by astronauts and flight surgeons, to provide 
feedback and gather information. The goal is to improve 
communications and ensure leadership is responsive to concerns and 

"We are moving as quickly as we can on the recommendations, and 
Administrator Mike Griffin and I will closely monitor progress on 
these issues," Dale added. "After the review is completed, it is our 
intention to share the findings with the public, to the maximum 
extent possible."

For copies of the reports and a complete transcript and video of 
Friday's news conference, visit the Internet at:


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