NASA Gives 'Go' for Shuttle Endeavour Launch on Aug. 7

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July 26, 2007

John Yembrick
Headquarters, Washington

George Diller
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

RELEASE: 07-166


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - On Thursday, NASA managers set Aug. 7 as the 
official launch date for space shuttle Endeavour's STS-118 mission to 
the International Space Station. Liftoff from NASA's Kennedy Space 
Center, Fla., is scheduled for 7:02 p.m. EDT. 

Endeavour's launch date was announced following the traditional Flight 
Readiness Review at Kennedy. During the two-day meeting, top NASA and 
contractor managers assessed any risks associated with the mission 
and determined that the shuttle's equipment, support systems and 
procedures are ready for flight.

Commander Scott Kelly and his six crewmates are scheduled to arrive at 
Kennedy at 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3, for final launch preparations. The 
countdown is scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4.

During the 11-day mission, Endeavour's crew will add another truss 
segment to the expanding station, install a new gyroscope on the 
complex and add an external spare parts platform. The flight will 
include at least three spacewalks. The crew will debut a new system 
that enables docked shuttles to draw electrical power from the 
station to extend visits to the outpost. If this system functions as 
expected, three additional days will be added to the STS-118 mission.

Joining Kelly on the flight will be Pilot Charlie Hobaugh and mission 
specialists Tracy Caldwell, Rick Mastracchio, Barbara R. Morgan, 
Alvin Drew and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Dave Williams.

The mission will be Endeavour's first flight in more than four and a 
half years. The spacecraft has undergone extensive modifications, 
including the addition of safety upgrades already added to shuttles 
Discovery and Atlantis. 

For more information about the STS-118 mission, including images and 
interviews with the crew, visit:


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