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July 26, 2007

J.D. Harrington
Headquarters, Washington

Gray Creech
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.

RELEASE: 07-165


EDWARDS, Calif. -- NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, 
Calif., provided critical support for the first flight July 20 of the 
X-48B. The 21-foot wingspan, 500-pound remotely piloted test vehicle 
took off for the first time at 8:42 a.m. PDT and climbed to an 
altitude of 7,500 feet before landing 31 minutes later. The Boeing 
Co. of Seattle developed the blended wing body research aircraft. 

"Friday's flight marked yet another aviation first achieved by a very 
hard-working Boeing, NASA and Cranfield team," said Gary Cosentino, 
Dryden's Blended Wing Body project manager. "The X-48B flew as well 
as we had predicted, and we look forward to many productive data 
flights this summer and fall."

NASA's participation in the blended wing body effort is focused on 
fundamental, advanced flight dynamics and structural concepts of the 
design. It is a Subsonic Fixed Wing project managed by NASA's 
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, Washington.

In addition to hosting the X-48B flight test and research activities, 
NASA provided engineering and technical support -- expertise garnered 
from years of operating cutting-edge air vehicles. NASA assisted with 
the hardware and software validation and verification process, the 
integration and testing of the aircraft's systems and the pilot's 
ground control station. NASA's range group provided critical 
telemetry and command and control communications during the flight, 
while flight operations provided a T-34 chase aircraft and essential 
flight scheduling. Photo and video support completed the effort.

Boeing's Phantom Works designed the X-48B flight test vehicles in 
cooperation with NASA and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory at 
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, to gather detailed information 
about the stability and flight-control characteristics of the blended 
wing body design, especially during takeoffs and landings. 

The Boeing blended wing body design resembles a flying wing, but 
differs in that the wing blends smoothly into a wide, flat, tailless 
fuselage. This fuselage blending provides additional lift with less 
drag compared to a circular fuselage, translating to reduced fuel use 
at cruise conditions. Since the engines mount high on the back of the 
aircraft, there is less noise inside and on the ground when it is in 

Three turbojet engines enable the composite-skinned, 8.5 percent scale 
vehicle to fly up to 10,000 feet and 120 knots in its low-speed 
configuration. The aircraft is flown remotely from a ground control 
station in which the pilot uses conventional aircraft controls and 
instrumentation while looking at a monitor fed by a forward-looking 
camera on the aircraft.

Up to 25 flights are planned to gather data in these low-speed flight 
regimes. Then the X-48B may be used to test the aircraft's low-noise 
and handling characteristics at transonic speeds.

NASA long has supported the development of the blended wing body shape 
and concept, participating in numerous collaborations with Boeing on 
vehicle design and analysis, as well as several wind tunnel entries 
of various sizes and design models.

NASA is interested in the potential benefits of the aircraft: 
increased volume for carrying capacity, efficient aerodynamics for 
reduced fuel burn and possibly significant reductions in noise due to 
propulsion integration options. In these initial flights, the 
principal focus is to validate the research on the aerodynamics and 
controllability of the shape, including comparisons of the flight 
data with the extensive wind-tunnel database.

Later studies will be conducted to provide a detailed understanding of 
this unique aircraft shape and a knowledge database to enable a 
future full-scale design.

Two X-48B research vehicles were built by Cranfield Aerospace Ltd., in 
Bedford, England, in accordance with Boeing requirements. The vehicle 
that flew on July 20 is Ship 2, which also was used for ground and 
taxi testing. Ship 1, a duplicate, completed extensive wind tunnel 
testing in 2006 at the Full-Scale Tunnel at NASA's Langley Research 
Center in Hampton, Va. Ship 1 will be available for use as a backup 
during the flight test program. 

For more information about the Aeronautics Research Mission 
Directorate, visit:


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