Shuttle Atlantis Crew Returns Home After Successful Mission

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June 22, 2007

John Yembrick
Headquarters, Washington 

George Diller
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

RELEASE: 07-142


EDWARDS, Calif. -- The space shuttle Atlantis and its crew are home 
after completing a 14-day journey of more than 5.8 million miles in 
space. Atlantis' STS-117 mission successfully increased the power 
capability of the International Space Station, preparing for the 
future delivery of European and Japanese laboratories.

Atlantis' Commander Rick Sturckow, Pilot Lee Archambault and mission 
specialists Jim Reilly, Patrick Forrester, Steven Swanson, John 
"Danny" Olivas and Sunita Williams landed at Edwards Air Force Base, 
Calif., Friday at 3:49 p.m. EDT.

Atlantis' crew attached the new S3/S4 solar array truss segment on the 
right side of the station's backbone, deployed a new set of solar 
arrays, and retracted the Port 6 starboard solar array back into its 
box. The station has a new look with two symmetrical solar panels 
mounted on each end of the station's truss.

Reilly, Olivas, Swanson and Forrester, with the help of crewmates, 
made four spacewalks to complete the construction tasks. They 
activated the truss segment and the Solar Alpha Rotary Joint, which 
allows the new arrays to track the sun, and helped fold the Port 6 
array. During the third spacewalk, the crew repaired a 4-by-6 inch 
raised corner of a thermal blanket on the port side Orbital 
Maneuvering System pod. Aerodynamic forces during Atlantis' ascent 
lifted the blanket.

While the crew worked in space, ground teams were troubleshooting a 
problem with Russian computers that help control the station's 
attitude. Russian specialists worked closely with teams in the United 
States to recover the computer capabilities.

NASA astronaut and station Flight Engineer Clayton Anderson, who 
launched with the crew aboard Atlantis, remained on the station. He 
is scheduled to return home aboard space shuttle Discovery on a 
mission targeted for launch in October. Anderson replaced Williams, 
who set a new record for a single, long-duration spaceflight by a 
woman with 195 days. She arrived at the station in December 2006 
aboard space shuttle Discovery.

STS-117 was the 118th space shuttle flight, the 21st flight to the 
station, the 28th flight for Atlantis and the first of four missions 
planned for 2007.

Several inspections in orbit revealed no critical damage, and 
Atlantis' thermal protection system was declared safe for re-entry on 
flight day 13. Weather concerns prevented the crew from returning to 
NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., the primary end-of-mission landing 
site. In 7-10 days, Atlantis will be transported approximately 2,500 
miles from California to Florida on the back of a modified 747 jumbo 
jet. Once at Kennedy, Atlantis will be separated from the aircraft to 
begin immediate processing for its next flight, targeted for December 

With Atlantis and its crew safely home, the stage is set for the next 
phase of International Space Station assembly. Preparations continue 
for space shuttle Endeavour's launch, targeted for August, on the 
STS-118 mission to deliver the S5 truss segment to the station.

For more on the STS-117 mission and the upcoming STS-118 mission, 


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