NASA Sets Briefings in July to Preview Next Shuttle Mission

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June 20, 2007

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston



HOUSTON - NASA will discuss the next space shuttle mission, designated 
STS-118, during a series of media briefings July 10-11 at NASA's 
Johnson Space Center. The briefings will be broadcast live on NASA 
Television. Questions also will be taken from participating NASA 

The mission will feature the first flight of space shuttle Endeavour 
since November 2002. STS-118 highlights include the addition of 
another truss segment to the expanding station, the installation of a 
new gyroscope on the complex and the addition of a spare parts 
platform. The flight will have at least three spacewalks. It also 
will debut a new system that enables docked shuttles to draw 
electrical power from the station to extend visits to the outpost. 

Veteran astronaut Scott Kelly will command the seven-person crew, 
which includes Pilot Charles Hobaugh and mission specialists Tracy 
Caldwell, Richard Mastracchio, Alvin Drew, Canadian Space Agency 
astronaut Dave Williams, and Barbara Morgan, the first educator 
selected as a mission specialist astronaut.

On the first day of briefings, managers and experts will provide 
details of the mission. The second day of briefings will include an 
interactive educational event featuring the STS-118 crew, the 
Expedition 15 crew aboard the station and students and teachers at 
Johnson. The second day also will include a press conference with 
Endeavour's astronauts and a series of round-robin interviews with 
individual crew members.

Media planning to participate in person or by phone in the round-robin 
interviews must contact Gayle Frere in the Johnson newsroom at 
281-483-5111 no later than 5 p.m. CDT Friday, July 6. Non-U.S. media 
planning to attend the briefings, regardless of citizenship, must 
contact the Johnson newsroom no later than 5 p.m. Friday, June 22, to 
arrange credentials.

During the briefings, questions will be taken from media at Johnson 
and other participating NASA sites. News media at the Canadian Space 
Agency headquarters in St. Hubert, Quebec, Canada, also will 
participate in the crew news conference.

The briefing schedule includes (all times CDT):

Tuesday, July 10:
8 a.m. -- Space Shuttle and Space Station Program overview briefing
9:30 a.m. -- Mission overview briefing
11 a.m. -- NASA TV Video File
1 p.m. -- Spacewalk overview briefing
2:30 p.m. -- NASA education briefing

Wednesday, July 11:
8 a.m. -- STS-118/Expedition 15 educational event (open to media)
1 p.m. -- STS-118 Crew news conference (photo opportunity follows)
2 p.m. -- Round-robin crew interviews (not on NASA TV)

For NASA Television downlink, schedule and streaming video 
information, visit:


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