NASA Rededicates Flying Observatory on Lindbergh Anniversary

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May 21, 2007

Grey Hautaluoma
Headquarters, Washington 

Beth Hagenauer
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.

RELEASE: 07-117


WACO, Texas - Monday, NASA dedicated a unique astronomy aircraft to 
pioneering aviator Charles Lindbergh on the 80th anniversary of his 
historic transatlantic flight. Erik Lindbergh, the pilot's grandson, 
joined NASA for the event May 21, in Waco, Texas.

NASA's new Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is 
a highly modified 747 airliner that carries a 45,000-pound infrared 
telescope system. Pan American Airways originally christened the 
plane the "Clipper Lindbergh" in 1977. At the rededication ceremony, 
NASA officials discussed the similarities between Lindbergh's 
accomplishments and SOFIA's potential to capture scientifically 
important infrared images unavailable to earthbound telescopes. The 
SOFIA aircraft was modified at L-3 Systems in Waco and is wrapping up 
a series of functional checkout flights before heading to NASA's 
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., for 
further tests and systems integration.

Erik Lindbergh unveiled a plaque commemorating Clipper Lindbergh. 
"This project is a fantastic blend of a 20th century legacy aircraft 
and a 21st century platform for exploration," he said.

Intended to fly above 40,000 feet, SOFIA will place its infrared 
telescope above nearly 99 percent of the Earth's atmospheric water 
vapor, greatly enhancing its abilities to study the cosmos. Its 
state-of-the-art telescope will be able to carry out scientific 
missions with greater flexibility and ease of upgrade than a 
satellite-borne observatory. 

NASA's partner in SOFIA is the German Aerospace Center, which provided 
the telescope. NASA modified the aircraft. A 16-foot-high opening has 
been cut into the aft fuselage to permit observations to be made at 
altitude. Once it arrives at Dryden, SOFIA will continue flight and 
systems testing for about two years while its observatory system 
hardware and software are integrated with the aircraft. The 
telescope's first images are expected in 2009.


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