NASA Completes Constellation Ground Operations Review

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May 11, 2007

Beth Dickey/Melissa Mathews
Headquarters, Washington 

Tracy Young
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

RELEASE: 07-112


WASHINGTON - NASA has established a requirements baseline for ground 
systems to be developed in support of the Constellation Program. The 
systems requirements review was conducted at NASA's Kennedy Space 
Center in Florida on May 5.

"Completion of the systems requirements review marks a major milestone 
in executing the development of ground systems, as well as operations 
strategies to support the next generation of space vehicles," said 
Tip Talone, Constellation's Ground Operations Project manager at 
Kennedy. The space center will be the launch site for future missions 
to low Earth orbit, the moon and other destinations in the solar 

The review was an in-depth look at the basic capabilities necessary to 
support space vehicle integration and ground processing; launch 
processing infrastructure, including the vehicle assembly building, 
launch pads and launch control center; launch vehicle protection 
systems; launch checkout and control; crew safety and emergency 
egress; and fault tolerance requirements for the systems. Agency and 
contractor engineers from across the country reviewed the 
requirements. The requirements will be applied to all launch, landing 
and recovery activities for the Orion crew exploration vehicle, Ares 
I crew launch vehicle and Ares V cargo launch vehicle.

The ground operations team established plans for ensuring the 
requirements will be clearly communicated to hardware developers so 
the systems developed will comply with all relevant agency program 
and project requirements.

After completion of all project-level reviews, the Constellation 
Program plans an integrated review in late May to update and 
synchronize all Constellation Program baseline requirements. For more 
information about NASA's Constellation Program, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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