International Space Station Status Report: SS07-16

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April 6, 2007

John Yembrick
Headquarters, Washington

John Ira Petty
Johnson Space Center, Houston



HOUSTON - The Expedition 14 crew of the International Space Station 
was busy this week performing fitness evaluations, working on 
scientific experiments and preparing for the arrival of the 
Expedition 15 crew.

Cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin, Expedition 15 commander, and Oleg Kotov, 
Expedition 15 flight engineer, and spaceflight participant Charles 
Simonyi, a U.S. businessman, are scheduled to launch from the 
Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at approximately 12:30 p.m. CDT 
Saturday. Their Soyuz TMA-10 spacecraft is scheduled to dock with the 
station at approximately 2:12 p.m. Monday. 

The Expedition 14 crew, Commander Michael Lopez-Alegria and Flight 
Engineer Mikhail Tyurin, will return to Earth with Simonyi on April 
20. In preparation for their departure, Lopez-Alegria and Tyurin 
reviewed descent procedures. 

Suni Williams, who joined Expedition 14 in progress, will remain on 
the station as an Expedition 15 crew member for the first part of its 
increment. The two crews held a space-to-ground conference on 
Wednesday discussing upcoming mission activities.

On Monday, Lopez-Alegria set a new U.S. single-mission spaceflight 
record, passing the 196-day mark previously set by station crew 
members Dan Bursch and Carl Walz in 2001 and 2002. 

The Expedition 14 crew performed periodic fitness evaluations this 
week. Additionally, they worked on a video tape recorder and on a 
faulty light of an ophthalmoscope that was used during a health 
check. They downloaded information from the Internal Wireless 
Instrumentation System, or IWIS, which monitors the health of the 
station's systems.

The crew continued scientific activities aboard the station. Williams 
tested a bacteria detection instrument developed by researchers at 
Marshall Spaceflight Center in Huntsville, Ala., and industry 
partners. The device, Lab-On-a-Chip Application Development Portable 
Test System (LOCAD-PTS) is a portable bacteria detection system small 
enough to fit into a compact ice cooler. Four more sessions with 
LOCAD-PTS are planned for upcoming weekend science sessions.

Lopez-Alegria and Tyurin tested their hand-eye coordination by 
completing their sixth sessions with the Test of Reaction and 
Adaptation Capability (TRAC) experiment. The experiment studies 
whether the decline of motor skills during spaceflight is a result of 
the brain adapting to space. The hand-eye coordination test is 
performed before, during and after the mission.

The crew also continued their work with the Anomalous Long-Term 
Effects in Astronauts' Center Nervous System (ALTEA) experiment. 
Using an instrumented helmet, the experiment measures the cosmic 
radiation that passes through a crew member's head, brain activity 
and visual perception. The experiment should help researchers better 
understand what levels of cosmic radiation crew members are exposed 
to and develop countermeasures for future long-duration spaceflights.

For more about the crew's activities and station sighting 
opportunities, visit: 

The next station status report will be issued following the launch of 
Soyuz TMA-10 on Saturday or earlier if events warrant.


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