NASA Recognized for Water Purification and Clean Up Technologies

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Mar. 15, 2007

Stephanie Schierholz
Headquarters, Washington 

Kendra Horn
Space Foundation, Colorado Springs, Colo.
RELEASE: 07-67


WASHINGTON - On April 12, two technologies developed at NASA for 
America's space program will be inducted into the Space Foundation's 
Space Technology Hall of Fame. NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, 
receives the honor for its development of the Microbial Check Valve 
used in water purification. NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Cape 
Canaveral, Fla., is recognized for the development of Emulsified 
Zero-Valent Iron technology used to clean contaminated ground water.

Michele Brekke, director, Innovative Partnerships Program, Johnson 
Space Center, and Dr. David Bartine, director of Applied Technology 
at Kennedy Space Center, will accept the awards on behalf of NASA at 
the Space Technology Hall of Fame dinner, the closing event of the 
Space Foundation's four-day National Space Symposium held in Colorado 
Springs, Colo. This is the 19th year the Space Foundation has given 
the awards; 54 technologies have been recognized.

The Microbial Check Valve is an integral component for maintaining 
safe drinking water in water purification systems now deployed in 
rural areas and developing countries around the world. Engineers at 
Johnson developed the system to provide microbial control for 
drinking water systems for the space shuttle and the International 
Space Station. Johnson will join the Water Security Corporation, 
Sparks, Nev., and Umpqua Research, Myrtle Creek, Ore., as inductees 
for developing the technology.

Retired NASA employee Richard Sauer will receive an individual award 
for his work on the Microbial Check Valve while he was the manager of 
Shuttle Water Quality at Johnson. 

Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron technology is a cost-effective, 
environmentally-friendly technology used to clean ground water 
contaminated by dense chemical compounds. Engineers at the Kennedy 
Space Center developed the technology to clean up pollution caused by 
chlorinated solvents used to clean Apollo rocket parts. This 
technology is now used at both government and private industry 
cleanup sites. 

Weston Solutions, West Chester, Pa.; GeoSyntec, Guelph, Ontario, 
Canada; and the University of Central Florida, Orlando; also will be 
inductees for developing the technology. The Emulsified Zero-Valent 
Iron technology also was recognized as NASA's Government Invention of 
the Year and Commercial Invention of the Year in 2005.

Dr. Jacqueline W. Quinn, environmental engineer, and Kathleen B. 
Brooks, materials scientist, will receive individual awards for their 
work at Kennedy on the Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron technology.

The transfer of NASA technology to the private sector is managed 
through NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program. To learn more about 
the program, visit: 

To learn more about NASA and agency programs, visit


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